Public holidays are normally celebrated in recognition of something great that happened in a country's history. Typically it would be wars fought, independence, the birth or death of a leader, religious observance, the launch of a ICBM missile, something that may have changed the course of history or in some countries, Carnival. Of course Carnival days in Trinidad and Tobago are not public holidays, why not you may ask, because, is the answer. Today we observed Indian Arrival Day, one of great significance. Persons of Indian origin have played a major role in shaping the Trinidad and Tobago as we know it. Soon we will be observing Emancipation Day, yet another day of great significance for persons of African decent for their part in shaping and creating the Trinidad and Tobago we live in. The last population census [2011] put the mixed population of T&T at just under 30%. Of course being one of the mixed, or White, I have always wondered what happened to us? I have absolutel...