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'bury the jersey'

And it just keeps raining! What a story with this rain? Even the Maraval river has started to actually flow as a river again. Over the years WASA has pumped every drop of water out of the ground creating problems with the natural balance in the water table, not being a hydraulic engineer, I can only assume that this has something to do with the river turning into a drain.  Seeing the river flowing is a good sign. Its like the Savannah, during very heavy rain you see tonnes of water flowing through man made channels going down the drain, literally. Is this right or should this water be harnessed in some way maybe with large ponds or just left to percolate into the aquifer.
The Bicentennial of the QPS is happening this August month, in fact on the weekend of the 18/19th. One of the activities is a tree planting exercise which our family plans to attend. The last tree planting exercise, my life partner and I headed down fo day morning with little children with vex faces only to find out during the following week that someone stole our tree. It was planted opposite where 'Pollo Tropical' was located at QPS West. Steal a tree?
The QPS event is being organized by the Citizens for Conservation, check their FB out and come and support! Bring 'barbwire' to wrap around your sapling.

Wonders never cease, the CDA has put a stop to the unregulated party boat menace terrorising the peninsula. This situation has been growing unregulated over the last years and it really is a matter for the Maritime Services Div. The party boats operate with impunity. Once you have a boat you have a chartered vessel. Forget licensing, certification, EMA, sea worthiness, safety for passengers and crew, days and time of operation, scheduled inspections, insurances etc. Some of the vessels are actually fishing vessels converted without any permission to now carry passengers and sound systems and bars. As we all know sound travels over water for many kilometres, unlike on land with all the various encumbrances. When you are relaxing in a bay enjoying the simple peace and quiet, all of a sudden you have a Machel concert in your cabin. Once again, a beautiful family recreation area is now a fete venue. Chaguaramas, QPS, Maracas Bay, Salybia, Blanchisseuse and so many areas where one would seek solitude is now allowed, yes allowed, by the authorities to become permanent fete venues. Congrats to the CDA!

Did not listen to the Minister of Finance explaining the CL Finance situation. Saw the main points he spoke about and once again I ask why are we, the owners of this debacle, being treated as though we are 'bobos'. Why has all this time past and no one thought it wise to give us a running commentary on the situation. Surely the Parliament could have been appraised of the situation on a regular basis in a language that we the plebs could understand. They so like to call names and create bacchanal in the peoples Parliament rather than using it for this exact purpose, report to the owners. I guess Parliament is not a place to go to for serious business but a place to walk out from!

So tomorrow is the trade union palance in town. I do support the trade union movement, I support responsible trade unions. Trade unions that become political and whose actions are deemed political I have an issue with. Tomorrow is exactly what? I have employees who I am responsible for and I have to ensure that the business is able to weather the serious economic storm that we are currently in, in order to meet those and other commitments. Surely the way of meaningful tripartite discussions, as was proposed in 2015 with the new administration coming into office, is the way to go. The negative growth in the economy is real, if there has been mismanagement then it has to be dealt with. The issue of workers being sent home with little or nothing because they were contract workers is not acceptable. There must be a way where all concerned can at least come to an understanding and more so an agreement as to the way forward. Like the CL Financial debacle we wait until there are boots on the streets before we entertain any discussion.
The problem is there are real people, real families who are suffering and under severe pressure.
Dialogue is the way to deal with this and not confrontation. Both the Government and the Trade Union movement are to be held equally responsible for the current situation.

I must say that I really feel for the people of Venezuela. Imagine in this day and age we still have this level of confrontation. The word 'trust' rears its head again and again. We elect people to represent us and we are supposed to be able to put our trust in them to do the right thing. What is happening in Venezuela obviously is a complete breakdown in the trust that people put in their elected officials. What will be the end result, quien sabe?

And so we start the month of August with all kinds of things happening on the rock, good and bad. I hope that we become more educated, more in tune with our own politics, bury the jersey and start to really understand what is it we want as a country and not as a party. The party has failed us, the leaders have done nothing to improve the lot for the plebs, and the future looks a lot lest enticing than before. Can it change, of course it can but we as a people have to wake up to the fact that it is we and we alone who can determine the direction we go. Let's do it, let's make the demands, let's set our course and make it happen!

Adios, goodnight and good luck!


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