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A great thing happened today. I washed my car and it did not rain. OK, so other absolutely great things made history today, I am sure something was discovered that will change mankind, decisions by world leaders for world peace. None of that is of interest to me because the simple task of washing my car was what was of great import and I marvelled at the sun and dry weather. It is the little things in ones life that give the greatest joy. Tomorrow should be the same with a prediction of only 20% precipitation. Two days with a clean car is good. I am one of those who curse WASA who has leaks on the main roads with spray flying all around and dirtying up my clean car. WASA should have zero leaks, that should be WASA's goal, I don't think that they are interested in any of this as the leaks continue and the complaints from the citizens continue. I remember in the Manifesto of the ruling party a commitment was made to increase the truck delivery of truck borne water. Go figure!

My morning cup of coffee is spent viewing the Davos World Economic Forum. I find it extremely interesting hearing the different views, the supporting views of the persons who actually have a say in what happens in the world's economies. It is so refreshing to hear the experts talk openly and not feel like I am being talked down to. Persons from across the globe who understand how the system works either justifying a position or predicting what is ahead.
Is the Rock represented at the Forum? Well, the PMOTT, Minister of Finance and Min of Everything are all here so I guess that answers that. I guess we don't need Davos. We are busy scaling back in every single area, not paying contractors or vendors, buying boats, closing down Calypso Tents, unable to finalise a gas contract and other stuff that will surely benefit the economy.

The issue of the Calypso Tents and State support. If the 'art form' cannot sustain itself then that is a very clear signal that something has happened. I have not been to a tent for eons because I am ADD and cannot sit for 4 hours straight listening to very uninteresting music. I don't for one minute think that the entire population is ADD but how many people in this day and age have four hours to sit and 'take in' a musical fare that is still boring for the most part. We want instant food, instant gratification and a Calypso Tent is the furthest thing from that. Surely Tent Managers must understand their crowd. The fact that the State has to pay for people to attend a Tent is no longer acceptable. The Carnival Kings and Queens shows are in the same boat, as is Panorama.
If the organisers of Carnival want to stay in the past then so be it. Carnival has moved on and leaving the remnants of the CDC behind, way behind. The Savannah is no longer, the Stage is no longer, the spectators have all gone, it is empty. What part of that do we not understand?
When you have the same people doing the same thing every single year then you end up with the same problem, boring! Hence no one is going to Calypso Tents. The last time Dimanche Gras was a great show was the year Rudder won both Monarch and Road March in 1986.
Calypso has its own self to blame and having to come cap in hand is embarrassing. Too bad, if what you are singing is of no interest to the multitudes then that is your problem, not mine!

There is a whole lot going on and the Rock continues to live for another day!

Good night people and good luck!


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