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The Office

Nothing happened to me today on the way to Chaguanas! or even back in to the city. One thing I have noticed is that with the increase in the speed limit from 80 to 100 k's all of a sudden I find that I am the one driving fast. I set my speed limiter to 100 and off I go passing the majority of people. No more vans with live chickens passing me. I also find that somehow the driving is better, not the crazy lane changers, well there are still some jackasses, but eventually I hope they will all be given hefty fines and disappear.
There are still the guys who insist on driving in the far right lane at slow speeds. My Dad used to do that and I swore that I as a result would never drive in the far right lane. With horns blowing behind us in the Ford Zephyr 6 on the Beetham we would hear a mumble which we never quite figured out what exactly he was saying, but he did not budge. It's quicker to drive in the far left lane because all the slow drivers are in the far right lane.

What is it that no one on the Rock can take responsibility for his Office. The Colonial's left us a reasonably well oiled public service structure that all we had to do was build on it. Instead we have found a way to bastardise every single Office and with it bring the Office into disrepute.

  • The Office of the President and the housing allowance paid where the Office holder is accommodated at State housing. The Official residence is still in a dilapidated condition.
  • The Office of the Chief Justice being hauled into the murky of murkiness and nary a word from the Office holder.
  • The Office of the PMOTT and the language and behaviour of the Office holder is not at all becoming of the Office.
  • The Office holders of Cabinet positions of the Republic behaving in the most unacceptable manner. Social media works both ways. The fact that not one of the Office holders is taking responsibility for the failure of their Ministry to deliver the goods and services to the population. The Tobago ferry debacle says it all.
  • The Office holder of the Commissioner of Police who is allowed to carry on as though nothing has happened even though the entire population is living in fear of their lives. Day 4 in the new year and 15 murders.
  • The Office holder of the Chief Immigration Office, and not a word about the disgrace at Piarco International. 
  • The Office holder of the Comptroller of Customs and like the above Office holder, not a peep. How are the weapons coming into the country?
  • The Office holders of State Board appointments making no positive contribution to the welfare of the citizens and again accepting zero responsibility. It wasn't me!
  • The Office holders of those controlling the finances of the country who are apparently living in some darkened room in the nether regions of the Ministry not communicating with the citizens and making arbitrary decisions which obviously affect our lives.

In every case the Office holder has a reason for failure by either acknowledging that he cannot comment because of his Office, by blaming the previous Office holder but never his own ineptitude. So where does the buck stop. The PMOTT quite boldly said the ole buck stops with him but when the barrage of failure fell on his door step he quickly retreated blaming everything and everyone.
So what of the Office? It would seem that the only reason to have the Office is to be able to get the higher pension, full stop!

I hope my drive tomorrow is more interesting than today, I might see a Scarlet Ibis flying in front of me, just maybe!

People keep cool ( no offence to the northerners).

Good night and good luck!


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