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Within recent times we have had two major or even three major blunders in our relations with foreign countries.
 The first being the now infamous Dominica embarrassment with the vote on the waiver of OAS membership fees for the hurricane devastated island. As we all know Trinidad and Tobago, a Caricom sister, was the only nation out of 35 to vote in the negative. That happened many weeks ago and we still do not know why? The PMOTT, in his usual flippant manner, has asked that the issue is investigated. What could possibly be taking so long to find out who was at fault? I guess that is the end of that!
The second was the PMOTT during meetings being held with other Commonwealth leaders at the CHOGM, in London, asking certain countries to stop issuing 'travel advisories' for their citizens wishing to visit the Rock. The reason he gives is that it is affecting our economy in a negative way even though we are experiencing the highest crime rate ever. Instead of dealing with the problem he is blaming others. What a guy this PMOTT!
Then this past weekend we read of 83 Venezuelan nationals being deported to their home country. Many of the persons being deported actually had applied for asylum and were awaiting the outcome. The Minister of National Security and the AG met with officials of Amnesty International and the UN here on the Rock and the T&T Government is claiming that all 83 said that they wanted to go home, the persons who had applied for asylum had voluntarily withdrawn their request and the interpreter used in the exercise was from the Venezuelan Embassy in Trinidad. None of the agencies involved with refugees including Living Waters, who is the UN's local refugee representative were involved or were aware of what was happening. The fact that the Government had assistance from the same wicked regime that the poor hapless neighbors were running from just says it all. The Minister of National Security and his sidekick in this matter, the AG, were totally wrong and bungled the job, for the umpteenth time.
One more time the country is embarrassed by gross incompetence by people who hold high office and continue to prove that there were never ready for the job in 2015 and after 2 1/2 years they are still the same 'Keystone Cops'.

At a meeting of the diaspora in the UK the PMOTT has fun ridiculing the citizens who have opted to continue to make the Rock their home. Going on about no one from the UK applied for the job of CoP and that he is only the PMOTT and therefore has no say in certain matters, referring to being 'left with the same basket', what same basket? Look, with all due respect Mr PMOTT, ketch yuhself! You paraded up and down this Rock between 2010-15 shouting down every single thing the PPG did from the PM's 'watchikong' to everything under the sun, after using data mining you come up with a very smart election campaign, win the election and then what? You are still trying to find out how to run a Government. If you don't know and none of your Ministers are any the wiser then you have a decision to make. No, you cannot Google the answer!

The Political Leader of the UNC makes a commitment at a political meeting about how she intends to fix the education system. Her idea of a good fix is to give grants, vouchers, laptops, and other financial measures to create a highly educated population. She is known to Govern by Grants, a system that was taken advantaged of, got totally out of hand and cost the country billions of dollars which we will never see again. There was not a single mention of what was inherently wrong with the education system, and it has nothing to do with school buildings or other physical facilities. The current education system is a throwback to times gone a long time ago and requires an in-depth study to cater to the 21st century. Our school system is in a shambles and no amount of freeness will make it any better. I do hope the Political Leader understands that what passed for assistance between 2010-15 will do this population no good in the future. There is another way.

People we really need to take serious stock of where we are as a country otherwise I am afraid that we will lose it.

Our thoughts are with the people of Canada!

Before I get further depressed, good night and good luck!


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