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For some unknown reason, the Rock seems quiet. Whether the politicos are all on vacation, the World Cup has ended, Wimbledon decided, August holidays, I am not sure but the Rock seems relaxed. It is a good thing because we do need to exhale. For a nation this size we do go through trauma not experienced by much larger countries. Between the crime, race, religious, gender, politics, economy, the price of gas and other minor issues that affect us we are doing OK.

I am a regular walker in my neighborhood, I see it at 5.30am and then again in the evening. I have become quite an observer, not maco, but taking an interest in how we live. When we built in the Maraval valley, 35 years ago it was a different place, it was considered 'bush' country. Today it is now populated by hundreds of people, people from all walks, young, elderly, professionals, non-professional, retirees, a microcosm of the Rock. What amazes me is how we who populate the valley live. There is little or no difference in the rest of the Rock. Litter on the road is something that we never saw, why now? Garbage dumped on the roadside was never an issue, tree cuttings were disposed of by the owner of the property, not again, it is now dumped in a public area. I personally saw a lady driving in an SUV deposit her garbage on the roadway. The Corporation picks up garbage three times a week on a very regular basis. Why is it necessary to dump your garbage in the street? Regardless of what our station is in life, we have become a nasty, selfish, dirty bunch. Why? Don't tell me you have to be taught how to dispose of your garbage. Is it not amazing that when these same people visit other countries all of a sudden they know how to do it? The next time I see the 'lady in the SUV' dumping her garbage I will remind her that we all have garbage but your garbage is your responsibility. Foolish person, responsibly dispose of your own garbage!

The PMOTT and I have never had any kind of a relationship. During my short stint in the Parliament, I always found him to be brash, insulting, arrogant, not someone who commanded any respect whatsoever. I still feel that way. His recent statements about me and my family, totally uncalled for and blatant lies, has just reinforced my view of who he is. He just happens to be the PMOTT and I respect the position he holds. His recent statements in Parliament regarding the appointment of a Commissioner of Police I thought valid. Of course decades late but at least it has been said, finally. My first memory of a police officer was in Arima where the then senior officer was a Brit. He and his family lived in Government quarters, a brown and cream painted house on El Carmen St. During that period we did not have a fence, burglar proofing, alarms nor CCTV.  We still had 'market police', I am convinced that the height requirement for enrollment into the TTPS was determined so that an officer could stand in the market and look over the vendor stalls. Height is still a requirement, not brains, however.
Back to the PMOTT's statement. If the persons vetted by the Police Service Commision have issues and there is, in fact, a merit list then deal with it. The fact that this country cannot appoint a Commissioner of Police is nothing more than ridiculous. How could a person act for that length of time and still be considered for a permanent position, even though he is about to retire from the service? A number of the other candidates have issues that have been publically ventilated. The main reason is they never applied for the position, in addition to which there are credibility issues.
The Government of the Rock can spend billions of dollars, mortgage the citizens to the hilt, do whatever they want but the one thing that a Government cannot do is appoint a Commissioner of Police. That makes no sense, none whatsoever!
I support the PMOTT with his take on the issue. You want to hold me responsible for the runaway crime but I am prevented from making the required appointments to deal with the situation?
As for the Opposition making statements about how the current Ag CoP is being treated, why was he not confirmed in the position during our tenure? This is the BS we have to put up with. Keep someone acting because they will perform better hoping that they will be appointed to the position.
PMOTT, appoint your Commish and let us move on!

Rest easy people of the Rock, take advantage of a quiet respite, good night and good luck!


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