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Storms, earthquakes, fire, and brimstone did not rain upon the weary citizens of the Rock over the weekend. In fact, we had a beautiful two days, with the full moon in effect, no rain and happy times. Pan on the Avenue in Woodbrook and a calming of the people. A welcomed respite from all of the goings on during the week.

The PMOTT headed to Caracas this weekend to sign a deal with persons who are not authorized to sign anything. Why would we do this is anybody's guess. I guess for a politician any news is good news even if it is no news. Love the interview with the press on the airplane, POTUS style, with the PMOTT with a glass of wine in his hand. The press were invited for the meeting in Caracas, but were not allowed to actually cover the meeting, and no one had a problem with that. I guess any other PMOTT with a glass would have been ridiculed by all and sundry, quite rightly so.

Caracas put me in a music mode of many years ago, Edmundo Ros! Edmund William Ross was born in Arima, my hometown, in 1910. His mother was Venezuelan and he spent his late teens in Venezuela. His claim to fame was his nightclub in London, the Bagatelle Restaurant, in the 40's and 50's. It is reputed to be the first time the soon to be Queen,  Princess Elizabeth, danced in public. Edmundo died at the age of 101. Arima is famous! At a Panorama one year Edmundo was brought on stage as a visiting celebrity and very few people knew who he was. Our connections with the mainland are historical. It is sad that the only reason we want to talk with our neighbors, who are suffering, is for economic gain. 'A YI YI YI YI!

The fate of the State owned Petrotrin will be determined this week. Like Caroni and so many other loss making State owned enterprises the time has come. The 70's era is finally coming to a close. I hope that the powers that be also look at all the other enterprises that are a drain on the public purse. The PMOTT was once the jefe at National Quarries. I cannot think for one minute why does the taxpayer own a quarry? Is this of absolute national importance? Critical to the survival of the State? Like CAL, Lake Asphalt, TSTT and so many others.

' I knew Trinidad to be unimportant, uncreative, cynical. The only professions were those of law and medicine, because there was no need for any other; and the most successful people were commission agents, bank managers and members of the distributive trades. Power was recognised but dignity was allowed to no one. Every person of eminence was held to be crooked and contemptible. We lived in a society which denied itself heroes.
'The Middle Passage, V.S Naipaul.

This is Naipaul in the 60's. In 2018 has anything changed? I am very concerned about my homeland, the Rock. Will our youth stay and rebuild the Rock? Do we have it in us to make the change? Time alone will tell. The current leadership, on both sides, sends a very clear message, we are no where closer to achieving any recognised status of any world!

People, stay up, be proud, good night and good luck!


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