It has been some time since I posted, my brain has been in another place. I always felt that this blog was a pressure valve for me. When things seemed unredeemable in the politics or simply in our broken society I would use this medium as my out. Within recent times other things have had me busy thus my tardiness in blogging. What the hell, we all have problems and we always find a way out, which is where I am tonight. Nikki Minaj has pledged support for the victims of the most recent flooding which the country experienced over the last 10 days. This is great news, we have reached the international news. PM Ralph Gonzalves has pledged $40K US as a token for the flood victims. The PMOTT has said that no help is needed and therefore he is not really willing to accept aid from other Caribbean Governments. The Rock has been at the forefront of aid for many island states and rightly so, we could have afforded it at the time. When your neighbor offers to help one should gra...