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Tonight, a typical October night, relatively cool but not sure what it is supposed to be. We had a torrential downpour today and it was a bit muggy. This month, like May, is a transition month, from the rainy season into the dry season, even though this will be some months away. The other morning there was a quick shower at about 4.00AM and I thought not a good sign for the upcoming dry season. Rain tends to fall early morning in the dry season, was this notice already of the dry season, I sincerely hope not.

Trying to read the Sunday newspapers got me into a foul mood. The headlines were all doom and gloom. Why are we in this position? Why is everything a story, nothing is straight? The people are constantly told of unbridled corruption, yet not a single person has been charged and convicted of stealing from the taxpayer, why? We now have yet another scandal involving the PMOTT. People have come forward accusing and people have come forward defending. Everything is up in the air. There is no Public Office to deal with this, no special Counsel, no special Investigator. It is always a case of 'pavement' threats, a Government was voted out of office based on accusations of corruption yet not a single legal case has been brought against anyone. Now we have serious allegations being made against the PMOTT. Today a retired senior public servant makes a statement that he does not think that the PMOTT is corrupt. Is that it? Is this where the entire sordid episode ends? 

The way in which the Rock communicates has changed drastically. No longer do we rely on the 7.00 o'clock news for anything. The word is out early, on peoples smartphones as it happens. 'Google' is the news, not TTT. Why are our politicians trying their best to hope that the connected world does not exist? The major problem we have now is one of mistrust. The population does not trust, does not believe a word coming out of officialdom. Whether it is about ferries - we can all see in real time the speed of the Galleons Passage and the location, the international price of fuel, the margins being made by refineries, the price of flour. There is nothing we the people cannot fact check. We know that hunting is banned between the hours of 7.30pm- 5.00am and no artificial lights are allowed. Just 'Google' the Wild Life Act. 1922. Yes, it is a 1922 Act of Parliament, this is another story. My point is that where our officials all think we are dumb as stone and that they can in fact, which they do, tell us anything like they did in 1956 and we would believe it. No longer. Zuckerberg changed all of that. Agreed it may be a bit much but like hell it works, we can actually cross-check any and everything that is being touted as the gospel truth. Just look at the facts for Facebook users. (see below) Look at the demographics in the 25-34 age group, a critical voter grouping. You of the old, foolish politics are simply 'passe'.

It's Sunday night so I am going to leave it there. The entire world has changed. It looks as though Jamal Khashoggi has recorded his murder on his Apple Watch. No bank account is safe! None whether in Brickell or China.

Keep cool people of the Rock, forget the world, it is a crazy place. Let us do what we do best, love the Rock!

Good night and good luck!

Facebook and Instagram user demographics in Trinidad and Tobago – August 2017
Kasia Kowalczyk, 31 August 2017 
There are 730k Facebook users in Trinidad and Tobago. 52% are female and 80% are younger than 45.
Facebook user demographics in Trinidad and Tobago in August 2017
Instagram has 340k users in Trinidad and Tobago. This photo social platform is much more popular with younger groups of users as only 11% of all Instagrammers who live in Trinidad and Tobago are older than 45.
Instagram user demographics in Trinidad and Tobago in August 2017


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