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I did not think that he would have done it. I really thought that after taking so much licks in his first months in office he would have maybe tried to re-negotiate the Accord. America is now out of one of the worlds biggest agreements on Climate Change and the POTUS has put American self interest first. Oh well lets see how this pans out. Can you imagine if the world starts to put sanctions on the USA for failing to meet the agreed to Paris Accord Climate Change mandates. Banning US commercial flights, banning US made vehicles, shipping, US manufacturers if they do not meet the standards. The way the world is moving do not for one minute that cannot happen. 

I guess Volkswagen must laughing and the coal companies in India, who had just lost on supplying coal to 12 new power plants, all because India is moving with a speed to renewable energy. Also laughing must be the fossil fuel power companies in California who cannot wait to power up the State that has nearly achieved 80% of its grid power on renewables. American jobs, regardless of the long term consequences! Makes sense. Even Mr Elon Musk has flown the coup saying 'Climate Change is Real.'

Speaking of making sense, I know, this is not easy these days in the twin island Republic. Once again no one, I repeat no one is taking responsibility for anything even it is directly related to their portfolio.
The Chief Justice now, after weeks of confusion, is claiming that he nor the JLSC are responsible for the appointment of a Supreme Court Judge. Is it that they have zero, zilch, absolutely nothing to do with the vetting process, any recommendations, opinion etc.
Is this like Climate Change, is it real or not? 


My favorite, the Tobago ferries. The Minister of Ferries has stated in part 
"...look for someone else to BLAME as neither Mr Hinds nor myself assumed the post as Works and Transport Minister when the Galicia was first procured."

Again the blame word is being used. This time however, he fails to realize that when he and the other one was not there the ferry service was operating in excess of 95% reliability and if it was one problem Tobago did not have, was a ferry problem.
Since I was the person who had assumed the post I would like to thank both Ministers for recognizing the speed and efficiency we operated at by providing Tobago with a ferry service any one would have been proud of. 


What ever happened to the US$2.0M in cash hidden in the plywood shipment? Any arrests? The reason I ask is of course we now find contaminated dog food. AK47's and ammunition found in a shipping barrel. The lady coming to claim the shipment says 'they' promised her half of what was in the barrel. Half a barrel of dog food?
This situation begs the question, why are the customs scanners not working? The only time we make a discovery is when the dog food shifted. Brilliant, simply brilliant!
I guess once again blame is for somebody else, not me. 


Over the weekend the Chairman of the EFCL says do not BLAME him for the EFCL Board awarding a tender as he is only the Chairman of the Board and is not in charge of the tenders committee. 
I think that we are in serious trouble people because this country is operating on auto pilot. The big problem with this is that we have no idea who plotted the course and what course has been determined. This is not good for a country that is in an economic death spiral.
Other than that, tomorrow, TGIF!


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