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'do the rehashle'

The storms continue over the twin island state. Overnight we had the big news from the PMOTT of a Cabinet reshuffle that actually turned out to be nothing more than a 'rehashle', obviously my word. The continued failure of this government to settle and get down to the business of running a country, the business of government and governance is startling to say the least. All politicians vying for office commit to doing XYand Z within weeks and the early months of winning an election. The current political party has been in government for decades, there are a number of members of the ruling party who have many years of experience under their respective belts. Why has the PMOTT chosen the biggest bunch of incompetence that he could possible find? The mind boggles!
Moving persons around that would constitute an actual demotion, and the persons accepting it is a total embarrassment. Appointing persons who once held the position of Minister, removed and now re-entering as a junior Minister, in the same Ministry says that the PMOTT has lost it and has now shown his level of incompetence, both at the political and governance level. Further, the PMOTT removed a Cabinet Minister on grounds of misbehavior in public office and mid term reappoints the person.
No man, how can that be possible? how can any right thinking PMOTT treat the country with such disrespect. When the LOTO invited a former disgraced Minister from her Cabinet on to a political platform and then appointed a former disgraced Minister as Chairman of a regional corporation the ruling party had a field day.
According to 'Destinations Unknown,' Trinidad is complicated!  I disagree somewhat, Trinidad politics is just plain sick and the only way to deal with this nonsensical leadership is for both the PMOTT and the LOTO to be put out to pasture!

The Ministry of National Security is responsible for the Police, the Defense Force, the Coast Guard and Immigration amongst other agencies. The agencies I have noted are directly related to safety and security. If when asked do you feel any safer today than since September 2015 and your answer is 'NO' then the line Minister should go.
The Ministry of Finance is responsible for Customs and Excise amongst other things. If the answer to the question, has Customs and Excise played their part in providing safety and security for the citizens is 'NO' then the line Minister should go.
The AG's office is responsible for all things legal and once again if you ask, has the Office of the AG done all in its power to provide the citizens with a reasonable level of safety and security and the answer is 'NO' then the line Minister should go.

All the Ministries mentioned above have a direct link to the safety and security of the citizen as a right enshrined in our Constitution.
Guns and ammunition are smuggled into the country through very porous borders and commercial ports.
Illegal drugs, supposedly only for transshipment, arrive on our shores with some being exported.
All of this illegal trade is carried out using USD.
The listed Ministries have all failed us and with the commitment by the PMOTT that his government would deal effectively with crime I can only say that every single line Minister noted has failed.

The other storm brewing is serious business, the return of the kidnappings for ransom. This morning we awoke to the news of a businessman from San Fernando being kidnapped. Thankfully we learn that he has been released supposedly after a ransom demand was paid. The frightening part about all of this is the complete lack of intel by the security agencies.
It is a sad state of affairs that everyone knows who is who in the zoo, known drug dealers, known drug blocks, known financiers of the drug trade, known illegal brothels with illegal workers, known  car stealing businesses, known importers of USD in plywood sheets and zip all is done. It is excuse after excuse and these complete idiots posing as line Ministers are allowed to remain in office.
We the citizenry are given zero protection. We cannot get a firearm license, for those who would want, we cannot depend on your neighbourhood police station for support.
So where the hell are we? Sitting ducks!

I am sorry that tonight is really not a good news night. T&T has become a failed state. The leadership is nonexistent, the Parliament serves no useful purpose, every single public office is in shambles.

Can it be fixed, of course it can but the people living here have to be serious about their future. Dump the ridiculous style of politics, give us a contract with the people that works for all, demand proper governance.

I hate being like this but after the murders in Malabar, last night's 'rehashle' and this morning's kidnapping I feel drained.

Tomorrow will be a better day, hey it's Friday!



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