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@#$%^& 'Fulminations'. Constitution 101 [8]

Today, we in T&T celebrate Catholic feast of Corpus Christi, the 'Body of Christ.' The feast dates back to the 13th-century. It was removed from the General Roman Calendar in 1969 but is still observed as a holy day of obligation in some predominantly Roman Catholic countries, not all. As glad as many of us are for yet another public holiday is this really necessary? I fully support persons who wish to continue in their religious traditions but do we need to have a public holiday for this day, especially where the world recognition is not widespread.
Just like the up coming Labor Day 19th June, where only some trade unions recognize but everybody celebrates. Recently the 1st May was also recognized as Labor Day in T&T. We may want to revisit our public holiday criteria, if there is one.

The AG is proposing 'drugalysers.' My spell check tells me that this is not a word. In 2015 the then Administration brought a Bill to the Parliament that would have revolutionized the transport system in the country. To try and amend the current Act was crazy, what we needed was new legislation to deal with 21st century motoring. The original Act, passed somewhere in the early1900s, still made reference to the handling of a bull cart in a dangerous manner and having that as an offense. Also issues of a bicycle license and 'toeing.'
 Our erstwhile AG says that he is being informed by UK legislation stating 'the UK is informing our fulminations on this matter.' I am sorry but I had to look up the meaning of 'fulminations' and according to the Oxford it means ' the act of exploding with noise and violence' or ' thunderous verbal attack.' It could be used in a sentence that reads 'his fulminations frightened the horses.'  I guess we can tell exactly where our AG is, frightened horses or as in 1900's Motor Vehicle Act, frightened bull carts. I hope he does not move with alacrity with this legislation because we will end up with ridiculous stupid mix and match legislation that still includes 'bull cart driving.'

Why are we still discussing child marriages? Will any parent in their right mind allow their daughter to marry under the age of 18? Will they allow their son to marry at the age of 12? What absolute crapola is this? Can someone please tell the head of the SDMS that we are in fact living in an age where we don't want child marriages, we don't want our daughters being completely destroyed by a stupid centuries old custom that has zero bearing on today. If your daughter gets pregnant what the hell does that have to do with the rest of her life? Embarrassment to the family?

Love how the Mayor of San Fernando 'briefly walked away' after hearing from a homeless woman that she supported her drug habit by 'performing sex acts.' T&T is so old. You want to tell me that the Mayor was so uneducated as to what happens on the street? Of course drug use and prostitution is real taboo in this country of excess that we can tolerate corruption, rampant stealing from the state
 [check Victoria Keys] the importation of drugs and guns, but a real life issue of addiction is a problem. Prostitution is very real and needs to be dealt with and I am not talking about harassing

The Constitution

The report on Petrotrin has been submitted to the PMOTT. Today we learn that the trade union representing the employees has a copy of the report and is pleased that no mention is made of any reduction in the level of employment at Petrotrin. Why has the report not been presented to the Parliament as a matter of public importance? Surely with a debt issue of billions of taxpayers dollars this, like the Clico debacle, must be aired in public. This is not a 'government decision' this could sink or float our economy and we need to know what is going on. We are not stupid, you cannot hide behind corporate governance issues. Lay the report in the Parliament.
So, our Constitution, the contract with the people, should state that all affairs connected with the taxpayers money must be made public. Simple, no!

Tomorrow is Friday, Monday is a public holiday so I guess it is a long long weekend. In some European countries people are guaranteed a month's paid vacation, marriage leave, parental leave, an extra months salary at the end of the year, so what is a five day weekend?

Corpus Christi lived up to its rainy day reputation. Plant a tree or corn.

Love where I live, T&T!


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