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Word of the day

Today was rainy, slow, and I did not make the best decision by having my car washed, the story of my life. It was a chores day and I accomplished most of them. As usual met some great people just chatting about whatever.
The word of the day:
It was actually spelt and pronounced by the 12yr old winner of this years Scripps Spelling Bee. The word was not part of the competition but imagine being able at your age to do the same thing. I know at least one of my friends who would leggo a big steups.
I guess Google has not yet replaced everything and there is an entire generation out there that is so willing to learn. Reading, school libraries all critical to the long term development of the child. Can you guess how many Primary schools have functional libraries?
And so the Law Association has taken a vote of no confidence in the Chief Justice [CJ] and it passed with the majority of the members voting 'Yea.'This apparently is unprecedented in T&T. Never before has this happened. Does the CJ take this as a 'take yuh gavel and go' or does he stand on principal saying no one can remove him unless he is of retirement age or proven to be mentally incapable of doing the job? The vote was also on the JLSC with votes cast in the affirmative.
Me personally, I would be bussing a shame and would want to just disappear somewhere like to Les Coteaux or Brasso. But that's me.
How can anyone who has lost the respect of the organization they are responsible for stay and pretend its OK? This goes for all, Chief Justice, JLSC, politician. 
Great news from bpTT on the newly found gas reserves. Saw the bpTT Regional President on TV this morning talking about the gas business. I appreciated his comments that all T&T administrations have worked well with his company and even though the energy industry goes through its ups and downs at the end of the day it works in everybody's favor, company and country.
I would hate to think that with this good news we are back in the 'oil boom' mindset. This gas find is not a ticket out of the recession and is not renewable. Diversification of the economy is the only way out.
Now that AK47's are being shipped in barrels of dog food I see that the Minister of National Security is commenting on the fact that as soon as 
'legal issues are sorted out' 
the scanners will be in operation. Well, there are no legal issues to be sorted out. All ports of entry are secured areas. All are designated customs areas. If the port/customs determines that all cargo should go through a scanner then that's it, if not leave the cargo in the warehouse. You do not need any law or regulation to tell you how to search a package.
I would think that if he said that we could not use sniffer dogs to check packages that contained dog food then he may, just may have a point.
Poor Tobago, the bacchanal continues. If it is not a man made disaster with the ferry service then it's the 
'unfair treatment for Tobago autopsies.' 
Somehow Tobago cannot win, alive or dead!
There is a mood that I am picking up, a mood of the people who are commenting on the current state of affairs of our country. Complete strangers just opening up as to their feelings, in fact it is a good feeling, people not being afraid to vent. This is good!
When you check your dictionary to find out the meaning of the word of the day make sure and do not visit 'Kick'em Jenny.'


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