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' neighbor is Christmas morning'

Helping a neighbor is probably one of the best things one can do as a human being. OK, his printer was not working and he needed to send a document and I was in a position to assist. It is the simple things that make us who we are and make us people. When one has to deal with the all else we get frustrated and downright vex, but a simple task makes us human again.
So. I have ended my weekend doing yeoman service for my neighbor and I look forward to great things.

And what of the rock? I have a real problem with what is happening. Can you imagine the hierarchy of the Defence Force being called into question as to what was the real story with the now infamous issue of who were the children featured in the using of firearms in Cumuto. This is such a simple issue whereby the parents of the children could have simply acknowledged the fact, explained the why, and moved on. Instead we have a whole set of bacchanal and confusion over a simple oversight and children being children. Of course the credibility of the Defense Force is now in question and make no mistake, seriously so. As far as I am concerned we should disband the regiment, to say it saved us in 1990 is a stupid statement, it nearly did not save us in 1970. Anyway, this is a discussion for another time.
I know its Sunday night, but what of the issues with the Judiciary? How can any citizen expect justice? Those of us who have to appear before a judge/magistrate tomorrow morning and hope to have an unbiased, totally independent, fiercely non biased opinion of a sitting judicial officer when the entire legal system is in question. How can I respect the office of a judge when it is obvious that they do not even respect themselves?
People, this is serious business, this is the end of the line for us. You cannot have mistrust and doubt whether or not you can in fact have a true and real unbiased judgement with a matter before the courts. The Judiciary has become so tainted, the Chief Justice not resigning, the PMOTT not calling for his resignation, the President not firing the Chief Justice, what are we
the plebs, to do? We are at the mercy of a legal system that is broken and corrupted.

Oh well, the first replacement ferry has arrived and after touring the vessel the Chief Secretary of the THA says a big 'YES' It's an old vessel, it cannot compare to the Super Fast Galicia, and it's twice the cost! But what a deal! When I see that logic I immediately say send Tobago on it's way to self government, let them fight up with this level of stupidity.

The Government has a page in one of the dailies that looks like a news item. It is of course an advertisement. Today, a lady is boasting that she was able to renew her drivers license within one hour at the new Caroni office. This is a boast? Apparently she was unaware that at St.James you can in fact do it under twenty [20] minutes. With the new MVA we estimated a time of fifteen  [15] minutes for most transactions.

Its Sunday night, there is no electrical power in the valley, in fact in the city as far as I can see, so rest well !

We do not ever give up, we will create a nation that we will be proud of, we will change the system, we will make the rock a place that we are proud of!

Good night and good luck!


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