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'ah sorry'

Seeing what else is happening in the world maybe the rock is not that bad a place to park up on. I really feel for those people living in Spain and Finland. Closer to home and a country with many connections the situation in the US is not good. Having the leader making the statements that he is making, is putting that country on a dangerous path and sending it back decades. And why one may ask? simple answer is power. Appealing to the base, appeasing a small part of your voting block at the expense of a large percentage of the population is how fascism began in Germany over 80 years ago. It has happened in recent history with Rwanda and it continues today in many societies, albeit under the radar.
Can it happen here on the rock? Does it already exist but kept at a certain level? Listen to the talk on the streets of this country, talk radio, it does and it has to be rooted out and destroyed. Any and all forms of racism and discrimination, and this is not about white and black, must be identified and dealt with. The politicians are the greatest purveyors of race, divisiveness and discrimination in T&T and we cannot, because it was said by one of our own kind, support that thinking. If we do not stand up and shut this down it will consume us and destroy our country.
 When you have segments of the society who genuinely feel left out from any chance of ever being included in the mainstream then that must be considered as discrimination. When segments believe that there is no hope of ever making it out of their dire situation then the belief in the political system is questioned. Many just run back into their comfort zones and put their trust in whoever looks like them thinking,  'at least if I am going to have a chance, it is better with my own'  or worse, 'if I am going to suffer, better with my own'.  The politicians have this reasoning down to a 'T' and use it to their advantage every time.
How else do we justify the living conditions in certain areas, the lack of support or not keeping the commitments made and the general malaise amongst so many of our citizens. If there are other reasons then lets hear them! After spending billions upon billions of dollars money cannot be the reason!

And so the PMOTT heads to the Magdalena Grand in Tobago to discuss the financial collapse of the Tobago economy as a result of his Government's handling of the sea bridge. This is a tricky one as basically everything has been aired, the information is in the public domain, there is nothing more to say, the appointment of a sole investigator is zero comfort to anyone whose bankers are calling in their loans and other facilities as a result of either non or continuous late payment. Another apology will not cut it, how many times can you say,  'ah sorry'? People tend not to give you the benefit of the doubt after maybe 5 times, the PMOTT must be on about 14!
Will the PMOTT be bringing good news about the impending arrival of a new fast ferry? will he talk about how difficult it has been as a result of piracy off the Yemen coast to secure a vessel, or maybe he will say that the sea conditions between Trinidad and Tobago are so unique what with the distance between waves, the height of the waves and the direction of the waves pose a real problem with the selection of a specialised vessel. I have no idea how he is going to deal with this self inflicted fiasco but I do predict that after his talk there are going to be many blank faces. Of course the die hards are going to burst into song, 'how great thou art', and make the usual comments 'well if the PMOTT says so then we must allow him time to fix the situation'. 
Tobago, if there was ever a time to show who you are, fighters or followers, lions or sheep, Monday is that time! Monday is the day that will determine who you are and whether or not you are able to deal with self governance or have to continue to sit at the feet of the PMOTT!

Tomorrow is the tree planting exercise at the QPS. In celebrating the 200th Anniversary all of T&T should recognise the treasure that she is. I still maintain that a QPS Savannah Conservancy should be established to manage all the business of the Savannah. That is another discussion.

Happy 200th Anniversary QPS! What a wonderful place!

The rock keeps on rocking and rolling, good night and good luck!!!!


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