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'Mr Gentleman'

Well he did it, in a real Trini way. I guess 'by all means necessary' meant just that. Swim, paddle, tow and inside of a pirogue and finally landing like a great conqueror at Toco. He even brought along a banana tree to plant as a symbol or proof that he had been here. He did however make his point and he sure achieved his goal of being relevant for part of a day. Personally I thought it was brilliant, well maybe not the part about him asking how many views/likes on FB, but the fact that he showed how ridiculous the entire ferry service had become.
Next week there will be a sitting of a Joint Select Committee of the Parliament to deal with the issue. I can only assume that a lot of information will be put out into the public domain and all appearing before the committee will have a chance to give their side of the story. I certainly will have my own side.

A new person is sworn in as a Minister of Government and at the same time appointed as a Government Senator. PMOTT's prerogative! How in God's name could you as the person being appointed fail to inform the PMOTT that you were also a citizen of another country. That tells me that you are not a very bright person. You knew that you were a citizen of another country yet you are swearing an oath pledging allegiance to Trinidad and Tobago? Not for one minute did you think that you were deceiving the PMOTT, the President and worse the entire country?
I am sorry this guy, this blunderer, cannot be sworn into any public office ever! The PMOTT's office must be held responsible for the error and someone should be sent packing. These are the mistakes and downright missteps that create the problems in our country. No one is ever held accountable. So the Mr Gentleman lied on taking his oath of office, what is it that we can look forward to if for some crazy reason the PMOTT goes ahead, has the guy work his 'simidimi', and he is reappointed. There is already a history of reappointments with this administration.
I guess if the Mr Gentleman is reinstated then we might very well see another public showing of a protest this time by 'oath' and not 'boat'.

The issue of money, cash money, is very worrying. The PMOTT makes a chilling statement to the effect that the country has literally run out of money. The payment of salaries to public service employees is now a serious problem as the receipts by the Central Government is not in keeping with the drawdown. The trade union movement met with the PMOTT and all of a sudden things have gone quiet. So what is the deal, is there a freeze on all public service employee emoluments? Is there a shrinking of the public service work force? We the lowly taxpayer would like to know what is happening with our economy and how does the PMOTT intend dealing with this very serious economic situation.
When one looks at the recent blunders, missteps and questionable dealings one must ask what is going on? Since the Mr Gentleman is so bright, running a bank in a foreign country, even though he forgot who he was, maybe he should be running the finances? But then what would the real 'patron' do?

We are celebrating 55 yrs of Independence on Thursday and I still remember the days in and around that time. Standing on O'Meara Rd in Arima waving my little paper T&T flag as the Princess drove by. We also had a bun and parlour juice. OK, 55 yrs have gone and we need, yes, you guessed right, a new contract with the people.
I will be out and about watching the parade on Tragarete Rd, backhoes and chiller trucks and great marching band music. Cannot wait for the ole talk!

People we live in the absolute best country in the world, needs a little work!

Good night and good luck!


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