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'goose or Ghana'

One of the biggest news stories tonight is of course the Anand Ramlogan issue. A former Attorney General - the only other member of the PPG Cabinet [ all other members are invited], Senior Council, Senator and well known Constitutional lawyer. I am not going to pronounce on Attorney Ramlogan's issue with the police and the DPP. What I am concerned about is the third world handling of the entire affair to date. A barrage of police, reportedly ten vehicles of armed officers, six o'clock in the morning, off to TTPS Headquarters, 36 hrs of questioning. What absolute BS is this? Until the TTPS start using their brains and not there obvious brawn then maybe we can start becoming a civilized people and not the law of the jungle.
So what, you want to embarrass the former AG? Embarrass his wife and family, for what? To show that you are that brilliant that it takes 36 hrs of questioning to determine 2 charges? What exactly did you say that convinced someone to issue a warrant that you had to take 36 hrs to press charges? I am not here protecting anyone, I am discussing the process. Maybe this is how things are done in Ghana and for all those who support this 'mongoose style' approach, 'what is good for the goose is good for the gander'. God help us, and we are celebrating 55 years of Independence tomorrow, what independence? what are we really talking about? If the police are that inept, that stupid then how can we be in the City waving our red white and black flags?
Stop and think for one moment, would Mr Ramlogan have headed off into the wilds of Palmiste on seeing the arrival of a police officer at his door? Or it was felt that he had an armoury at home to deal with any law enforcement officer arriving at his home? Nah man, the senior officer in charge of this shameful act should be made to suffer the same fate if and when he is ever charged for 'misbehavior in public office'. But no, when it is a police officer before the courts for littering he is taken through the back door of the court with no media allowed. 55 years of double standards, that is what we are celebrating tomorrow!
Ah damn vex!!!!!

Of course this is Trinidad and there is always humor in everything that we do. Tonight on the profitable media network, the presenter is linking with ace reporter on site at the TTPS Headquarters. Well, the viewers had no sound but the person doing the interpretation for the hearing impaired was moving apace, the presenter sat there eventually checking her mobile. This went on for the entire interview and no one in the studio operations picked it up. I am therefore none the wiser as to the fate of the former AG.

Still in the world of officialdom I understand that the FLOTT [First Lady of Trinidad and Tobago] went out for an afternoon walk/jog around the QPS yesterday. The timing might have been a bit off as  the four o'clock traffic was starting and as luck would have it, the exercise created quite a jam. Maybe the FLOTT might want to consider either another time, another place or when doing her daily constitution go incognito which would not require her very visible security detail.

More officialdom, Lord it does not stop! The PMOTT making an excuse for the Ghanian citizen says it was a mis-communication. Very 'Burkie' if you ask me. No, it is not a case of communication, it is a case of whether or not the guy is a citizen of Ghana or not, yes or no, not maybe.

No more officialdom! On to other matters affecting our existence on the rock. .............what? you mean there is nothing else going on other than lousy politics?  Oh well it will happen in time, all will be revealed, we will not only survive but we will prosper.

"........and may God bless our nation"

Good night and good luck!


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