This could have been a conversation today, just maybe.
Trini accent [TA]. " aye deh fail d boat"
Canadian accent [CA]. " speak english, what are you saying"
TA " deh check d boat an d engine spoil"
CA " the engine 'spoil', and what exactly does that mean?
TA " .... like yuh not lisning, d engine stop so and spoil, it brek down"
CA " who knows about this?"
TA " only we"
CA " OK, let me think, hmmm, tell them the boat does not really need engines to operate, tell them like the MV Su once it floats its OK"
TA " bossman it all over fb, yuh think Trini's stupid. Not because it have cricket in d Oval nobody eh studying nutting"
CA " so what about the theory that once a white man walks off a plane at Piarco carrying a briefcase its OK."
TA " since d man bring up d 1% talk is like dat t-ree gorn tru.
CA " how about we offer one month's rent free on the non working vessel, or we could send down a months supply of some fine Canadian maple syrup "
TA " dats OK but how we dealing wit the fact dat no one doh know nutting bout nutten. How we goh explain d syrup ting?"
to be continued
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