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My mention of the 'zaboca boat' the other night had some people perplexed. The 'cocoa men' would slice the zaboca length ways, cutting the zaboca into two or three slices, depending on the size, and after removing the outside skin would insert onto the inside of the slice all kinds of magical fillings, shrimp, homemade salad dressing and whatever else you wanted. Truly the fruit of the God's!

A great reminder of where we live is the loud refrain of ' sooooooooiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllll manure!' Every now and then we would be visited by the white pickup loaded with garden soil and manure. I am not sure how many vendors there are but it seems that there more than one or else that guy really moves around.

With four probes being launched into the ferry fiasco it seems things could get a bit 'probeslematic'. Things on the rock are rocking! The fun part is that the Minister of Ferries is now saying that 'the whole process has to start over even if it takes a long time, not wanting to hear allegations as is happening now. In politics I expect anything'. 
What exactly is the man saying? His Government led by the PMOTT has totally messed up a perfectly working ferry system and through sheer ignorance and vindictiveness, greed and blatant corruption is now asking the seemingly quiet residents of Tobago, especially Mason Hall, to give him another chance? The PMOTT is having a stakeholders meeting on Monday coming, in Tobago, where no one from the PATT has been invited.  How can that be possible? I guess if the two main management people at the PATT have been suspended at the same time the sole investigator was appointed then I for one smell a rat. I smell a rat because first to begin with this emergency meeting took over a week to be organized and now if the two PATT people are sent home what then of the Permanent Secretary and the Minister of Ferries and by extension the entire Cabinet? All are implicated in the award of the contract, all!

A Chinese contractor has been given the job to build the Curepe interchange. I have two problems with this. First, was it really necessary to award a foreign company the contract, in this guava season? Secondly, would it not be a better to build a non-stop highway from the Caroni bird sanctuary interchange direct to the general area of Piarco, bypassing all the built up areas along the CRH. No interchange would have been required at Curepe, as would no other interchanges along the route heading to Piarco. One could actually leave POS and head to Piarco without a single intersection. One would have been able to leave Point Fortin and arrive at Piarco without a single stop. I would think that the cost of doing that as against the construction of interchanges at UWI, Macoya, TrinCity, TrinCity Mall and finally Piarco. Something to think about.

It's getting late and it's been a long day. I hope the citizens of the rock continue to put pressure on the government when it needs to be applied. There must be no acceptance of stupidness, and issues like the ferries should not be allowed to take a back seat because of a sole investigator.

Keep cool people of the rock, lets keep rocking!


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