One of the dailies has on their front page a picture of a 12 yr old boy with a macajuel snake wrapped around his head as a choice of headgear. It looked like a 'camo' hat. Years ago I heard the story of a cinema in Curepe where a guy goes up to balcony and throws a bicycle inner tube filled with water down into 'pit' yelling 'snake' as it landed on some hapless patrons. Needless to say not many people demanded a refund while exiting the 'tearter'.
The trade union movement held their march today in protest of a number of issues which, after hearing some of the main speakers, I am still not sure exactly what was the point of the protest. Approximately 3,000 persons attended the march. Maybe it was to many, a march against the current administration hence the not so large showing. It was two years ago when I believe the same union leaders, bar a couple, who met with the then political leader of the now ruling party and signed a pact with both sides agreeing to each others support. What happened? it seems that divorce papers have been served and that's it, the not so happy ending. I guess if there was any sincerity at all in the signing of the then pact the tripartite meetings between union, government and business would have happened and we could have probably seen a different scenario today. It is my understanding that there was not one single tripartite meeting held.
Why is the word 'trust' somehow rearing its head once again?
The tenth time Ag CoP has been recognized by the International Assoc. of Women Police [ IAWP] for his role in empowering women police officers. That's great news for both the tenth time Ag CoP and the country. The release does not say whether or not he will be attending the award ceremony which is being held in Cairns, Australia.
My view, until the crime situation is dealt with, nobody goes anywhere. Until the TTPS is brought under control and errant officers dealt with, every body is 'restricted to barracks'. Until the guns and drugs are found at sea or minimum at the port of entry, no fun. Until divisions are accountable for crime in their areas and divisional commanders are hauled before the Ag CoP and made to explain the 'why' and fired if not up to scratch, no party hearty.
We have a situation here that has become frightening. These fool bandits are not concerned about being seen big and bold on CCTV, they are on our streets fully armed, they fear no one.
The TTPS is constantly playing catchup. Imagine a decision is made to introduce body cameras for officers and someone forgot to hold consultations with the officer representative association to mutually agree to the protocol of this new innovation.
The tenth time Ag CoP has to show better management skills in dealing with his police force before he can run away and accept an award for empowering anyone. Its ironic that the same time this news is news that 3 women police officers are charged with fraud.
Have not read anything recently about the committee set up to dealing with the issues of wild life hunting in our twin island State. This last weekend a family member went fishing off the north coast, Blanchisseuse to be exact. He boarded a kayak, by himself, with a fishing rod, a piece of wood and headed out returning with a 40lb kingfish. This was man against beast. No fish finder, no five lines at the back of a boat, no facility to back up on the fish, no gaff, no assistant, just pure determination and skill. More so it was one fish for the family and friends. The other fish were left for another day. Apparently the thrill for the hunter was quite something.
We don't have to destroy everything in our path, we can take what we need and return another day. In this way there will always be enough and the hunter spirit is satisfied. I still do not support hunting on land, BAN HUNTING!
The tarpon fishermen recently held a tournament in Trinidad catching and releasing in excess of 350 fish in a couple days. Sustainable fishing! There is always a way to do it!
Enjoy the weekend, put pressure on the people who are hurting this country, do not accept BS from those who should know better. We are better than them!
Goodnight and good luck!
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