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'moon dog'

Sunday night and it's a beautiful tropical evening. Cool, night sounds, quiet and we look forward to tomorrow. Tomorrow is in fact a memorable day in history. The eclipse of the sun will happen at about 2.30pm and those of us on the rock will witness a partial eclipse. I am cool with that, half is better than none. The total eclipse will be seen through a narrow strip, seventy miles wide, in the USA. It is the only continent that will witness the show. The last time the entire world experienced a total eclipse of the sun was in the 13th century. Can you imagine the horror and fear when that happened? I am sure many were burned at the stake and thrown off of cliffs and Aztec structures and pyramids, god forbid if one was a virgin! Apparently for some reason virgins have had a real hard time in this world!

Speaking of a hard time I would really hate to be in the current Minister of Ferries shoes. His boss, the PMOTT, will be in Tobago tomorrow to say something. Just that, say something, and I am pretty sure the 'something' has not yet been determined. The much maligned Ocean Flower 2 [OF2] has been the bone of contention, the contractual issues still have to be determined. There is a clause in any Charter Party Agreement that is the ' Cancel Date'. There are terms and conditions that speak to that clause and I guess the lawyers will be dealing with that. As I write this it seems that the OF 2 is headed this way, like a tropical storm, and I wonder when the Minister of Ferries says 'she will not be welcomed' if our ever alert Coast Guard will stop her at the maritime boundary like so many illegal drug shipments. Hey it's Sunday night and the living is easy!

The family headed off to the QPS to do our tree planting yesterday, this the second time in maybe 30 yrs. After our first attempt at official tree planting, children in tow, our tree 'disappeared.' On arrival this time our tree was not available, the organizers were very accommodating, but alas, nary a tree was planted by the familia! It's not an issue, the main thing is that we supported, the two grandparents and two of the grans. I think that I am going to break the law, not sure which law, and head off into the Savannah and plant my own tree. One day, when the tree is fully grown,  the authorities will stand back and say, 'aye aye how dat tree reach deh? and the world will know that it is the Cadiz [ Cades, Cadez, Kadis, "how yuh say dat"] tree! The Lord knows we tried!

The discourse into the land slippage on the North Coast road is a long and tiresome one. Can the powers that be let us know to what extent is illegal squatting responsible for the landslides? The road, built in 1944 by the Americans, as compensation for the acquisition of Macqueripe, is in a mess. The illegal occupation along the road is something that unless the powers that be deal with it the North Coast road could literally fall into the sea. This is serious business and not your normal illegal occupation of state lands. The integrity of the North Coast road is very much in question.

There is so much happening on the rock. Last night myself and my life partner headed down to the QPS for a snack. Hundreds of people, families having a great time! Love it!

Tomorrow is the meeting of all meetings, the PMOTT heads to Tobago to explain why the sea bridge has more or less shut down. He has to explain how come a perfectly working ferry system failed under his watch. He has to explain and justify why businesses in Tobago have lost their shirt under his tenure. He will stand before the people of Tobago and admit that he has failed them! Tough job but someone has to do it! The PMOTT will have to accept full responsibility for everything that has happened to Tobago as a result of the failure of the ferry service under his watch.

Eclipse tomorrow at 2.00 pm. Make sure you have on your eclipse watching safety gears and for those of us who have the tendency, 'some are born mad, some achieve madness, and some have madness thrust on them'.

Good night and good luck!


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