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Driving home this evening, listening to the radio (Trini's love to say ' ah hear it on d radio) with a program promoting an upcoming Shadow concert. People were calling in giving stories about Shadow in his early years, playing the guitar and impromptu performances. I have a picture,  positioned amongst family photographs, of the great man and myself. Listening to the genuine love being expressed tonight put me in a 'Trini' good mood.

Of course this is after this afternoon's reality show of the PMOTT's live media conference and what I would consider the worst to date of a performance by our PMOTT. First off, why is the PMOTT getting involved in issues of reported corruption at a state company? Why is the line Minister not taking the heat? That's the job of the line Minister, take as much licks before it gets to me!
For a sitting PMOTT to make the statements he made tells me the poor man has indeed lost it. He is so thin skinned, why does he think that every time someone yells 'wajang' or 'raging bull' or 'thief' the PMOTT has to get directly involved? Is it that he is so sensitive to the name calling and accusations because he knows something that we do not know. Remember it has been said that the PMOTT typically will have a lot more information than we would have and therefore we should not second guess his decision making.
The PMOTT says that he called his friend when he heard of the Internal Audit Report on Petrotrin and the scandal surrounding the payment for 'ghost oil'. The PMOTT picks up the phone, dials the number and inquires as to the well being of the man mentioned in the Audit Report. What exactly was that conversation? "Don't worry mi amigo, I got yuh back". People, this is the PMOTT speaking to the owner of a company who has been the subject of grand oil theft at Petrotrin.
The PMOTT then goes on to say that because the LOTO made the entire affair public that she was engaging in ' jammetry'. He also says that during his term in the Opposition the then PMOTT accused him of being a racist but look at him now, ' I have a friend who does not look like me'.
The PMOTT should take up tweeting at 3 and 4 o'clock in the morning like another leader and then the only difference would be the 'hair'.
I am very sorry, this is not the expected behavior of a Prime Minister, at least not our Prime Minister. There is a serious problem at Petrotrin and you, the PMOTT, is making out as though it's comedy hour. I hope for your own political sake that the audit is totally wrong and we can all go home and rest easy. If not, between this new scandal and the old scandal of the 'who did the ferry service in' will surely end your political career or what's left of it.

The one thing that I am sure of is that every other Cabinet Minister is absolutely over the moon as the PMOTT is sucking up all and every last ounce of criticism of the Government.
We don't even remember who half the Cabinet is, are there drugs at the various health institutions, what is the murder rate, does Tobago still exist, who remembers how many schools did not open for the new term, hey, what about that Archie guy, what layoffs are you talking about, I don't understand the perceived problem with getting forex, legislative agenda - what's that, is that Burkie or that new guy hmmmm Hunte somebody ...........?

The rock is moving at a pace, it is hurtling like an astroid. I just hope that who ever is driving at warp speed knows what they are doing because if not we are all going to end in a fiery death! Ouch, that really is not a good night ending.

OK, we have a 51% chance at saving the rock. We have to, we must get our act together and make this political system work for us! I keep saying 1956 has zip all to do with where we are today in 2017. Let's take the leap of faith, difficult? yes, can it happen? yes, but what about all that we have gone through for 55 years? and? we are at a juncture that will determine the future of this country. Bodow!!

Good night and good luck!


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