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' not good'

I have been very delinquent and not posting as I normally would. My mind has been elsewhere. Still very much in the colony but on other things. I am a 'witness' in the Joint Select Committee's inquiry into the troubled ferry service, so I have work to do. My involvement was in 2014 so I need to get my head around the circumstances and of course without access to files and other info it's not that easy. I feel as though I am back in Holy Cross College in the late '60's. Not a good place for me, not the college, just me.
Anyway, I am scheduled to be a 'witness' on Monday or Tuesday, no notice as yet, but I am cool with what is happening and in fact I really welcome this opportunity to finally put some 'jumbies' to rest.
What I love about governance in this country is the fact that there can actually be five different sides to a story. Which of course is what is happening with the Port. We have the following:

  • Sole investigator.
  • Integrity Commission.
  • Transparency International.
  • Cabinet appointed committee.
  • Joint Select Committee 

and John Public

Sorry that makes six!

Well, why not? At the end you get six different results and you just pick one, that works. A win win situation.

Poor Mr Le Hunte, it was so easy to do this and you had to screw it up. When were you a citizen of which country, which country did you swear allegiance to, when did you renounce which ever citizenship you had, when did you re-swear [ is that a word?] to an allegiance for which ever country you were supposed to be a citizen of, and when did you stop being a citizen of which country and accept a citizenship of another country? Anybody standing in line outside the Immigration Office on Frederick St would have taken at least ten [10] years to get this stuff sorted out. For the PMOTT to simply pass it off as a 'glitch' is bordering on the ridiculous. It seems that the PMOTT is now famous at the ole bob and weave! He is very good at the deflect mode!

And the other great news is in the TTPS. What? you say! Yes, the Ag CoP has headed off to Australia to collect his trophy for looking after women police officers, he then proceeds on three well deserved months of vacation. The Acting Acting CoP is now a person that has a checkered past. People, we are living in a narco state, you can call it what you want, and we cannot even get a CoP who has tenure and can get the job done. The firing of the Canadians still has a big question mark over that entire issue. Dana Seetahal and a number of other persons murdered for what reason? The TTPS is as corrupt as any organization could be and this has to stop. As far as I am concerned terminate the employment of every single officer from Ag CoP to the last intake. Declare martial law and start from scratch. Something has to break somewhere and if you cannot trust who is there now then do the right thing and get rid of all.

A person who I credit with my early start in civil protest was murdered today. This brings to maybe 12 people who I know have now been murdered. I live on a small, insignificant island on the earth and I know that many people who have been murdered? How can this be? People go through their entire lives not knowing a single person who died a violent death and I know a dozen?

I am sorry, this has to stop! We need a Government that will take the bull by, the proverbial horns and deal with the narco state. Destroy it! I agree with the PMOTT when he talks about corruption, and my simple question is 'and?'

Tonight is not one of my best nights, my thoughts and heart go out to a person who is a real trooper and a serious patriot of this country, Stephen, rest easy my friend, all is not lost!

Good night and good luck!


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