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plant baigan

The name is derived from the Sanskrit term 'dipavali' meaning 'row of lights'. It is celebrated in late October or November on the new moon night. I guess like many religious festivals the moon plays a big part as to when the celebrations are held hence the fact that we normally have rain on Divali. Could be way off target here but somehow the moon actually plays a part in if it is going to rain or not, satellite imagery and other technology sort of confirm the obvious.
A comment was made today that one smelt curry everywhere they went today. A popular roti shop in the capital hired extra security today to deal with the crowds purchasing roti. These are the little indicators that tell us we are truly an integrated society regardless of the stupid racial politics. Imagine me, wanting to be a great chef, actually did a stupendous 'baigan choka'. It was quite good, the rest of the meal was everything to celebrate Divali done by the other great chef in the house.
Maybe if we remove the stupid racial politics then we could actually be a lesson for the world as to how different races and religions could actually live together, celebrating each other without the friction.
Well the next biggy is Christmas so we wait and see.

I am having a problem with how the things are playing out on the rock. The accusations, the public threats, people having information on people that only the authorities should have, a lot being said in the media without being substantiated, plenty ole talk. Its great if you are one of the fanatics it's not great if you are serious about the future of the rock. The PMOTT is constantly talking about corruption, and I fully support him in his stance to dig it out and jail those involved. The talk is however, where I have the problem. Why is there the public shaming without one ounce of evidence? The ferry fiasco was the favourite at one time now that is passe, why? Because of those involved. The involvement of persons in the construction of public housing is headline news, then the issue disappears. I hold no brief for anyone who took a load of gravel, banked millions of dollars off of government contracts or took a wad of copy paper from a government office. You steal, you are a thief full stop. There can be no classification for stealing. Big, medium or little it is all the same, it is not yours and if you take something that is not yours you are a thief.

The authorities cannot be making the accusations without the evidence. This nonsense of putting peoples names in the media, without a shred of evidence that could be used in a court, to distract from the real issues facing the rock is reckless and does the PMOTT's claim of dealing with corruption no good. The persons responsible for the thievery must be brought to justice, lock they tails up, lose the key. Stop making the 'lash meh nah' foolish accusations and get down to serious forensic audits, without the headlines, and get on with the job.
Just remember,
he who holds the ladder is as bad as the thief  
The so-called oil spill in the port of Port of Spain and the manner in which the authorities have handled it tells a tale of gross incompetence. It took 24 hrs before an alarm was raised as to the spill. It was raised not by the Coast Guard or the Maritime Services Div, or the EMA or one single state agency. It was made public by the persons who were affected by the spill. Is it then that no state agency works on a weekend? Is it that the Coast Guard has zero patrols in the port area over a 24 hr period? Or is it that 'oil spill' is not my responsibility? The fact that no one knew to me is worst than the spill it self. The Minister of Energy says it was not natural. I can only assume he is stating the obvious that there are no known oil production wells off of Five Islands. The emergency containment procedure of the spill was 'the tide changing just now, everything will go out the First Bocas'.
Bumbling, stupid, incompetent, don't give a damn, could not care less authorities and nothing is done. Not a single official, not a single person with any semblance of authority will be held accountable for this debacle.

If and when the PMOTT is serious about corruption it is these little things, these situations where persons responsible are just not doing what they are paid to do, that matter. If you cannot stop the theft of a truck load of potable water, a load of bricks, a wad of copy paper and the pollution of the gulf then you are pissing in the wind. A multimillion dollar fraud with the award of a ferry contract is the same guilt as the person who wilfully opened the valve to empty the bilge of the vessel polluting the gulf.

The fireworks have started, the dog is going crazy and I am ready to start a lobby to BAN FIREWORKS. I don't give a 'firetruck' (thanks BC) as to how many people will lose their jobs and how much money would be lost by the investors. Plant baigan!

Happy Divali!

Good night and good luck!


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