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love parang

Being semi-retired one has the privilege of going to work or better, at whatever time I want to go. It gets better when you are in fact the 'boss'. Today was one of those days, going for a 'trim' at 10.00, driving into the city only to be greeted by numerous fire engine units on the main drag, hundreds of office people hanging around and then no space in my favourite downtown car park, so I came home. Nice!
Maybe everyone should be self employed, how would that work? There must be another way of producing and earning other than the Henry Ford system. Reporting for work, clocking a card (sorry, swiping) putting in 8 hrs, going home and repeating that over and over for your entire working life must be one of the worst positions to find yourself in. No wonder we have farmers and artists!

I have already given my position on the leaks in the water distribution system, last night I counted (12) leaks on the water mains from the start of Saddle Road at the corner of Long Circular Road to my house at the end of the valley. I am personally going to get signs printed' WASA - This is a Leak! start date X/X/X.' Shaming is a big deal these days so let's start shaming WASA. I hope to go in the dead of night when the policia are all tucked in and place my 'leak' signs. I hope the policia are in bed early because us semi-retired people like to sign off early.
If there is another way to bring the 'leaks' to the attention of the authorities then let me know and I will call off the 'shaming'.

Speaking of shaming and all that is going on in the world with sexual harassment, the 'me too' campaign and paedophilia. The rock is not alone by any means with these issues. How does the rock handle it, not good.
The recent case of sexual harassment against a Chairman of the Board, and the company going to a retired judge to assess the case, the complainant not called, and a pronouncement is made as to how bright the accused is. Since when being bright is an excuse for being a harasser?
I fully support the non support of companies that encourage this nonsense.  'Past by, mamaguay, don't buy'.
There have been many instances of perversion at the expense of innocent women by both members of the current administration and the previous government. The difficult part about this is that the 'West Indian male B S' immediately comes into play and the women are then shamed.  We have seen the former LOTO, now PMOTT, having a blast at Carnival with an admittedly underage female, the harassment of a female airline cabin crew member by a Cabinet Minister, fighting in a car park by another, a Trade Union leader being charged, and a number of other instances.
 How are we going to deal with this? The usual comment of 'why yuh went there' yuh look for it' ' what yuh expect de man to do', is old, old, old backward thinking.
If this is where the minds of our leaders are then can you imagine the thinking when it comes to the economy, security, education and other majors issues facing us?
 Let us not forget the 'shaming' of the ladies being arrested at various night clubs, paraded the next day in the media and not a single owner/operator being arrested, the cancellation of the liquor license nor the closure of the establishment.

When you read the dailies one must wonder if we are really living in some backwater, behind God back. The pettiness and simply stupid stories that make it into the mainstream media one wonders if that is really who we are? If that is who we are then what else can we expect? If that is who we are then we are doomed, pack your bags and buss it!
There is so much serious business going on and we are reading front page stories about  'Ministers Apartments' that are in fact required for the Tobago representatives.
I guess if our attitude towards sexual harassment is as 'don't carish' as it seems then the media is right to print the nonsense they print.

Someone from an adjoining upscale neighborhood nailed a sign on our neighborhood Samaan Tree and I have to admit that I removed it. Use social media to advertise your garage sale, not our flora!

Middle of November, wow. I listen to as much parang as I can, love parang! Very fond memories of Willie and Tito Lara, the last of the tribe, the Lara Bros!

Keep cool people, don't let anybody trouble you.

Good night and good luck!


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