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the Monarchy

Ah, it's over, the annual ritual, something that I absolutely love, is done with until next year. The familia arrived and we had a wonderful day. With the passing of the last of the thirteen children earlier this year we, my generation, now become the elderly. I did not think it would have arrived this quickly but it is what it is. We had about 60 odd, some odder than others, family, elders, children, grans and good friends for the lunch of lunches. Each family is given the dish of their preference to bring to the lunch table and it really works well. You walk with your cooler with your preferred beverage and for the next eight hours one touches base with three generations of family. The elders have it down to a 'T' gauging the quantum of food, based on the previous years consumption. Of course who made the best corn pie is always the topic of private conversation. I think the winner is the same winner every year, but it must be discussed.
The annual family gathering are the descendants of a family that arrived on the rock in 1797. It is mainly on my life partner's side but as luck would have it we are also related through the same familia. At this years function a remark was made that there were only three living members of the familia actually with the familia name, with one being a priest. A good case for why do women have to take the name of the man when married.
The weather held and a good time was had by all. Boxing Day however was wet, very wet. It rained on and off the entire day right up until night. The 'not so bright' people are letting off fireworks. This charade in law and regulations is just so typical of how the rock functions. One can import the demon toys yet one requires a licence to set off the demon toys, yet one can go to your neighbourhood pop up tent and purchase the most vile demon toys. It's like allowing illegal weapons to be imported by bandits but refusing a gun licence for a formal legal fire arm users application. The rock is wrong side, make no mistake!  

I remember my mother, a Caucasian, not particularly liking the calypso 'Congo Man'. Over the years I have heard the most vile, vulgar, racist calypsos and put it down to the society. If that is what is being sung and accepted by the population then that is what the population is thinking. The Greatest Show on Earth ' Dimanche Gras' is nothing but singing for your supper. It has nothing to do with being clever, talented or anything else other than racist and spewing hatred against one sector of the society. Well, the chickens have come home to roost. Apparently there is a chutney composition that is creating a furore with the supporters of the PMOTT. From what I gather the 'double entendre' is a bit obvious, sung by a non traditional 'Dimanche Gras' finalist and most of all not very complimentary of the PMOTT.  One of our offspring is named 'Paul' and I remember a still very famous calypsonian remarking that when the boy's mother went to pick him up her housekeeper would shout 'Paul, yuh mudder come'. 
I hope the PMOTT understands that the picong comes with the territory and if he, or the Fat Arse Brigade, are that thin skinned and are offended then they have a real problem, not the rest of us. 

The naming of a new President of the Republic is upon us. Soon we will have a new Head of State. I wish to declare my position. The rock does not need an unelected Head of State. Same goes for unelected Senators, unelected persons in positions making laws and regulations which affect us, unelected persons determining fiscal measures, law enforcement and national security. Can we stop with the colonialism. Can we stop being treated as imbeciles, ignorant of civil matters and having no idea of what we want. The Office of the President has zero baring on who we are as a people and is a direct throwback to colonialism. If we are to become a sovereign nation, boasting of our independence then we need to do this. We cannot have a single person who determines the future of our country not being elected by the people. Having a ceremonial Head of State is nothing more than replacing the Queen. Maybe we should have stayed with the Monarchy.
We need to throw away the current Constitution and create a contract with the people that is for and by the people. The half baked Constitution under which we are governed is totally irrelevant to today's society, it gives the people no say in how we are governed, other than going to vote every five years. The time has long come where we, the people of the rock, demand a say in how our country is run. 

' Rowlee yuh mudda ........

Keep cool people, the New Year is approaching and I am blow mind optimistic!

Good night and good luck!


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