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match stick

The PMOTT addressed the people of the Rock last night and I chose not to view it because I did not think that there would have been anything useful coming out of it. Reading the headlines today and hearing a couple clips I guess I was right. There was not really anything earth shattering which is why one would normally make an address to the Rock. Promises of things to happen, where have we heard that before? The PMOTT needs to stop with the posturing and make it happen.
There was the horrific murder of two persons today in Morvant, one being a school boy on his way home. The Minister of National Security in a live interview, no editing, speaks of the line being crossed. Which line? Why, because it was a child? because the vehicle was set on fire with the persons in it? What is so different about this murder that the Minister finds himself in an emotional state as against the murder of a woman found yesterday with her limbs cut off? or all the other murders, whether it was a child, parents, grandparents, man, woman, old, young what is the difference?
The Government continues to play a game with what is going on. The non arrest of the gang members has nothing to do with the Gang Bill. The continued importation of guns into the country with minimal seizures by the police. No seizures at sea. The acceptance of the drug business as a business for a sector of the society is reaping its murderous toll. Known gang members, known gang leaders, known gunmen, known criminals all walking about like the good citizen. Maybe it will only happen when the toll includes persons of particular offices. We have already had a known gang leader arrive at the Office of the President, at the swearing in of a Cabinet Minister, his friend, and have his picture taken with the President. That people, is as close as you can get.

Read in one of the dailies of a crack down on the sale of illegal alcohol at the Central Market in the city. The senior officer leading the dangerous mission makes the statement that sales of illegal liquor were increasing hence the crack down. So what, if the sales guys had maintained their level of illegal sales at an acceptable level then everything would have been ok? What absolute BS is this? That people, is where the problem lies. A former Minister of National Security who became famous for his 'a decrease in the increase' statement stood up in the Parliament and said that when drugs started to come into the country the government did not worry too much because it was all for transhipment and did not stay on the Rock! Can you imagine that is/was the thinking of a so called responsible administration?

By tomorrow the holders of important offices would have moved on to other matters and the 20 people murdered already for the year will be something of the past. As much as I expect 2018 to be a year of promise I cannot for one minute think of how far down the road to a failed nation status we have reached. If the PMOTT does not deal decisively with crime then he may well find himself not serving out his term of five years not for any other reason other than major social unrest.

No happy thoughts today? I am in a place that I was in already, 22nd October 2005. I really thought that one was only required to do these things once. It seems like match stick break in their ears and they just not listening.

Thousands walk at Death March - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday ... › News

Oct 23, 2005 - And what exactly does the committee want to see? Cadiz said, "We are looking to see the guns off the street, stopping the drugs from coming into the country and breaking up the gangs and arresting their leaders, rather than hearing about plans for the future." Sunday 23 October 2005. Khrystal Rawlins.

One of the ironic situations with the Death March was that the senior police officer assigned to manage the day was accused of taking bribes and involved in kidnapping.

To the real citizens of the Rock, good night and good luck!


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