The days on the Rock seem to be getting better and better. This old guy, me, started the process of renewing my driving permit. Age 65 I go and get my medical done and the doc asks did you bring the form. Yes, I was Minister of Transport but I was never 65 before so I did not know the exact procedure. Off I go to the St James Licensing Office and could not have met nicer people. Photos needed, go next door, bam photos taken, back up the stairs, medical form and yellow form stapled with photo, form stamped and returned. Tomorrow I test the new Licensing Office in Caroni for its efficiency and will report back to the people of the Rock. I hope its not freezing as I only wear tropical friendly clothing ( no noodle strap). I then ask the clerk what was the cost of renewing, figuring a fee/tax had been imposed by everyone's friend. She looks at me with a big Trini smile 'yuh lucky, is free' of course I had to reply ' yuh mean ah lucky because ah get ole'. Anyway's, another successful project, nearly completed.
I saw an article recently where the writer was asking about the blue light syndrome. It seems to have been continued by this administration. I have always detested the 'blue lights' it made the PPG look very stupid and the citizens rejected it. They hated the fact that they, legitimate users of the roads where being thrown off the road by screaming official vehicles going where, was anybody's guess. Today I see unmarked vehicles coming up behind me with blue strobe lights indicating that I need to get out of the way to let them pass. Who are these people? There is no siren, no official marks and therefore as far as I am concerned unofficial. Stay back!
The plot thickens with the Police Service Commission. The Chair now says that she never used her casting vote as the four ordinary members actually voted 3-1. The names that have surfaced to the top now seem to have questions about their behaviour in public office. One has a stigma of being a 'roti police' the other questions as to a false accusation against another police office where the senior was found guilty of wrong doing. This is the best and finest we can find in our Police Service? The old Mavrogordato must be turning in his grave. The Brigadier was known for being unbiased in his decisions. In the selection of a Commissioner of Police we seem to be incapable as in everything else. Shameful! Where is the KPMG report and what were the findings and recommendations?
Me, I support someone from the outside, untainted, no 'batch' nonsense. Someone who understands the culture, someone who can command respect, can manage 7000 people, a multi-billion dollar budget and has a time line for dealing with miscreants. Actually, someone brighter than the entire PSC.
Carnival news, the stick fighters vex over how much money they are paid in prize money.. One stick fighter says that even if you win, the money has to go to pay support staff, office staff, trainer, stick maker, manager, wardrobe, celebratory party, gas for vehicle etc. He says that after all of those expenses the stick fighter might just get a $2500.00 out of a $30,000.00 first prize. In addition the stick fighter might lose a tooth or even die! That is an extreme sport and I fully agree to a million dollar first prize payment. I mean to say how much damage can one suffer, maybe not lose teeth but spinal injuries, if wined upon by stage dancers at the Soca Monarch? Missing teeth?
The Rock will be reasonably quiet until Ash Wednesday, not the killings, now at 60 for January, 2018. After Carnival the real mas starts. I think this administration is going to find itself in a lot of trouble, the people will not continue to put up with a totally ineffective government. With staunch supporters in the calypso world singing against the PMOTT, it will be an interesting year. Oh by the way, February is the PMOTT's mid term.
The talk is all around, it's starting, the movement is happening!
Good night and good luck!
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