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mucho agua

The house that we live in has been our home for the past 34 years. We basically built the house ourselves, of course with a little help from our friends, and others. When we moved here it was bush, at night we had 'carnival king costumed' type bugs come out at night. The largest crapauds you can imagine. Those were the fun days. We had no communication, phone lines did not come until sometime after. Our neighbours moved in a couple years after and tomorrow is their last day as the keys are being handed over within days to the new owner. It is great to live in a place where your neighbours are good people. Yesterday our other neighbour handed a bunch of coconuts over the fence and in return a couple of the sweetest paw paws were shared. We don't live in each other's houses but we are good neighbours who still look out for each other. How many people have that experience.

The Ministry of Education has issued a release to its staff that refreshments at meetings are now no longer, including bottled water. The missive says if you want water then you must request it and a jug of water will be brought for you. It did not say whether the jug of water would have any ice with it. I can only assume that a drinking glass will be provided. I notice that no one has mentioned the word productivity. Is it that the managers of the public service have the same view as the Minister of Finance which is to cut costs, even bottled water, tea and coffee, where there is nothing left to cut but absolutely nothing about the work ethic and productivity. If in the Ministry of Planning approvals were given a minimum time to be processed then developers could start there projects on time, creating jobs, purchase of materials etc. and put money into the economy? If licenses could be processed and approved on time for various businesses then money would be circulating? This by the way is one area that will help generate investment, an essential ingredient in growing an economy.
Cutting out the water at a staff meeting might very well have staff members gagging. This may be counter productive to an efficient, well oiled department in a Ministry.

The PMOTT is coming up to his midterm period, 2 1/2 years of a 5 year term. He obviously has a plan because no man without a plan could be that confident in himself. Any question that is asked the answer is simple ' Kamla'. That's the only word he has to utter and the media write it down and scurry back to their offices and the headlines the next day is 'Kamla'. If I was 'Kamla' I would be so happy that I am being kept relevant by none other than the PMOTT himself. I don't have to have a position on anything ( which I really don't have anyway ), I don't have to get up early to be interviewed or to host a media conference because the PMOTT has me on the front page practically every day.
Other than the POTUS I have not seen a leader of any country blame the previous administration for so many of the current ills. I hope the PMOTT has seen the polls in the USA for the POTUS. It does not look good. The approval ratings are the lowest for any POTUS within recent history. Maybe if the PMOTT took an unbiased poll he might be duly informed that the people of the Rock are not happy, not happy at all. And now you want to have them work 'tursty'.
Maybe if one of the vehicles in the security detail of both the President of the Republic and the PMOTT's own was removed then that cost saving could possible go to buying water.
If they only knew what they were doing and what the taxi talk was saying. Well, they have another 30 months, so I guess they will find out soon enough.

Rain again on the Rock, not -30C, so not too bad!

Good night and good luck and drink mucho agua before you report for duty!


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