I put on my 'Sonos', go to Easy Listening and the first song is Frankie and 'My Way'. I thought for New Year's Day why not? I have sort of lived my life like that and it is a fun way, sometimes a little dangerous but at the end of the day it really comes down to you as an individual. You must take credit for everything, good and bad. Some of us attempt to blame the rest of the world for the downside but I know that every decision I ever made was made knowing fully the consequences.
The stories of the fireworks continue. It is plain and simply wrong for any government to sit back and allow this nonsense to continue. If you cannot regulate the discharging of fireworks because of an indisciplined population then do the next best thing and ban the #$%^& stupid, nonsensical, ridiculous entertainment.
In the UK fireworks are governed by the Fireworks Regulations 2004 which sets out the laws for the purchase and use of the demon toys.
- Fireworks fall into different categories such as 'indoor', 'garden', 'display', and 'professional'. Each category specifies the restrictions under which each can be used.
- There are restrictions on the sale of fireworks.
- There are times when fireworks can be let off.
- It is illegal to let off fireworks in the street or public place.
- Fireworks of louder than 120dba at 15 metres cannot be sold to the public. For comparison a lawnmower at 7mtrs is roughly 90dba.
- Banned fireworks are mortar shells, mini rockets, bangers, firecrackers, air bombs, mini-rockets etc.
The Carnival Season has started with the first large school fundraiser fete in our neighbourhood. The neighbours many years ago met with the school and came to a decision that the fundraisers for the school would be allowed but the 'promoter run' fetes would not be allowed. This was mutually agreed and has worked well. It just goes to show how a little communication goes a long way. Yes, of course there is inconvenience for many of the residents, some actually share a fence with the school, but we also understand the necessity of the school raising funds. The fete starts and finishes at a reasonable hour, once per year. The 'promoter fetes' start late and go on to early morning, not acceptable.
So like with the school, there can be a middle ground with the fireworks, what are the authorities scared of?
I would like to think that for 2018 we, the citizens, start demanding, stop putting up with crappy service from public offices, call and harass our MP's and Councillors. Write directly to the various offices demanding that things be done properly and in a timely fashion. Do we know who our MP is, our Councillor, the Chairman of our Regional Council, the CEO of the Regional Council, the Head of TTPOST, the area supervisor for WASA, T&TEC, the road supervisor from the Ministry of Works, the Senior Officer from the TTPS. I think we need to be that much more proactive and call these people out of their holes.
Looking forward to a new year, Panorama and other great things the rock has for us to enjoy, it's not all doom and gloom.
We have not seen the sun since Christmas Day, it has been non-stop rain. Today the sun finally found itself.
Good night rockers and good luck!
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