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Sitting here on Carnival Sunday writing this blog with heavy soca playing in the background. My Carnival weekend actually starts on the Saturday morning going to the Kiddies Carnival at the Savannah. Yesterday we had three of the four grans at the parade. It is a wonderful outing with thousands of kids, parents, visitors, some for the first time.

Part of our Carnival is in good hands. I am still having issues with the depiction and history of the Canboulay. The Soca Monarch has headed in a direction of serious mediocrity.

So I start with the Kiddies Carnival followed that evening by the Panorama Finals. I must admit that I do not go into the stands as a true spectator but opt for the much more interactive 'drag'. There must be another way where the only incentive is not the prize money. The Kiddies Carnival is not for the money, pan, not so much even though I think that a lot of the support is the sheer love of the instrument. Are young people supporting the Carnival? Without a doubt. Last night on the drag there was a good mix of young and old support. So onto Jouvert in the morning at, playing with Shell Invaders. The best Jouvert is a steelband Jouvert!

Bacchanal and confusion is part and parcel of our Carnival. Nothing is ever straightforward. In the various competitions there is always someone who thinks that they have been given a lower score than they were allocated. Why can we not do the scoring digitally where there is no change in the marks. Once the judge scores there is no come back with the scores being changed. Imagine a contestant in one of the competitions won the 'peoples choice' but did not make the cut into the finals which has 16 contestants. How is that possible? Were the judges hearing the same thing that the 15,000 person crowd was hearing? Could be the judges are from hell?

On Friday the country was informed by the TTPS that we are under a terrorist threat from persons known and unknown. Certain raids were carried out at various residences and mosques with a number of persons being detained. According to the official reports, the detention of persons was actioned with no material evidence being found. One report from an international news agency says that US agencies were assisting. This was denied by the local security agencies. No single activity was identified as a possible target other than the Carnival. The citizenry was warned about possible attacks but in the same breath told proceed and wine.
This is where I have a problem. You are using words like 'credible' and then 'vague' Which is it? You cannot come to the population proclaiming that there can be death and destruction, complete mayhem, yet wine on a bum bum. Why did the TTPS come to the population, announce the threat then simply say not to worry, go about your business.
If this country is under a serious, 'credible' terrorist threat then how come the two main leaders of the country were both out in public engaging in their usual sporting and cultural activities, seemingly unperturbed by what the Ag CoP was saying? Is the Parliament not sitting this week to debate the appointment of a new Commissioner of Police? I am not for once disputing that the Rock, like any other country is not under threat constantly from terrorist activity, but am I reading something else here? Last night on the Savannah 'drag' we were up close with the President Elect in a tightly packed crowd with all that Panorama finals on the drag has to offer. And we are under a serious terrorist threat?

I guess Ash Wednesday is days away and then the Rock reboots. It is great that the citizens can breathe every now and again and then start the task of building a true republic. This year is no different. We have ferry issues, crime, missing politicians, corruption, highways to nowhere, questionable leadership in senior positions, late payment of salaries, a poor education system, no medication, bulldozing of prime agricultural lands for housing, 8,000 potholes (who actually counted), 2,000 water leaks ( I normally can account for 4), 2,000 gang members and 75 murders for the year. A lot to deal with, can't wait for Ash Wednesday!

Enjoy your Carnival, town or beach. Best line I heard for the season ' if you on low budget, stay home, doh go out'.

Good people of the Rock, keep cool and good luck!


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