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Methane Seeps

I had the pleasure of attending the launch of the documentary ' Deep Sea Wonders of the Caribbean' at the IMAX Cinema this morning. I became involved in 2013 when the local Marine Scientist Dr. Judith Gobin approached me as the then Min of Transport for help in getting past the bureaucracy in having the exploration vessel EV Nautilus to operate in our waters to conduct exploration in the deep sea. The result of course was amazing with all kinds of new species and discoveries made. Dr Gobin was part of the research team which included another famous local scientist, Dr. Diva Amon. Imagine the talent we have on the Rock! If you do not know what a Methane Seep is then you need to immediately go to and view the video. NIHERST played a major part in having the 5 part documentary series produced. Of course there were main sponsors who did their part.
It gives one a real good feel to see what we can produce whether it is research or development in different areas and our talent pool migrates because of a lack of opportunities here on the Rock. The time has long past where this native talent can no longer be sent abroard to build the economies of different countries while we languish in mediocrity. When I see what the current administration intends to do with the St Augustine Nurseries the mind boggles. Dr Gobin and Dr Amon were working at depths of 1.0-1.5 miles below the ocean (not physically) to discover all kinds of fascinating species, including the snow like Methane Seeps. With all of this happening our PMOTT could only think of one thing, bulldoze the critical germ plasm 88 year old Nurseries. I guess some of us cannot see past the coloured jersey, pathetic.

Putting the fear of God into the population over the Carnival weekend with reports, 'credible evidence' and intel that a major operation by a terrorist organisation was imminent. Half the police force stayed home, a number of people were detained which is now a judicial issue. The President elect was in a very crowded public space on Carnival Saturday night, seemingly unaware of any threat, a USA spy plane flying across our land mass and a Russian spy ship provisioning at the Port of Port of Spain. All of this happening and today we hear of the helicopter pilots who fly the choppers for the said police are withholding their labour because of non payment of salaries. In an interview the Min of Nat'l Security was none the wiser. We will not get out of this mess if the powers that be know nothing about anything!

The Chief Justice is basically saying 'who are you to judge me?' The Law Association is questioning the behaviour of the CJ and he is telling them to take a hike, they are in no position to judge him. So here once again the Nobody is Responsible for Anything ( NIRFA) surfaces. There is something about other countries where you cannot bring that stupidness into the public because you may very well be charged and jailed. Recently in South Africa the President resigned before he was impeached. The other day a Member of the House of Lords (UK) was late for a sitting and he resigned. There are examples of people taking ownership and personal responsibility for their actions. One of the Sheriff Deputies in Broward County, FLA, resigned because he failed to act in the horrible Parkland school episode. Our people are caught out constantly, lying, forgetting the truth, behaving in a manner bringing their office into disgrace and it is as though nothing has happened. Maxie Cuffie is a mystery  and we the people who elected him have to be treated like children, don't worry everything is OK, because we say so.

The issue of Petrotrin and its grillion dollar debt which they will never be able to pay and the questions about what to do with the company.
 It is simple, the behemoth is costing the country money that the country does not have and therefore we have to cut our losses and run. The issue of sovereignty and patrimony does not come into play because there is no money to be had. The energy sector for decades has been operated by profitable foreign entities that have actually paid money into the coffers and not been a drain on the treasury. The time has come for us to understand that the politics of the '70's is no longer. The State ownership of anything is no longer a viable option. The State owning a commercial bank, a quarry, a refinery, a port, airports, bus transport, telecommunications, asphalt and a host of other companies is now a thing of the past. Let us take the leap and do the right thing, privatise, let all State owned so called commercial companies operate on their own. The general public could be part of the ownership, if they actually trust that the operations are in fact viable.

There is so much going on in the world today. Cold winters, wet dry seasons, China wanting to extend the leadership tenure, the POTUS running into the school with a live shooter, our own PMOTT lecturing Caricom on issues of national security, the world is a very mixed up place.

People, keep the faith, go outside and look at the moon, good night and good luck!


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