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Today was a 'chores day' doing things, paying bills, getting coffee maker fixed, and a heavy dose of public service. You know I am a reader of signage in government offices which for many years has intrigued me. I have always wondered who determines that a sign is required because the only reason for signs in an office would be for safety or to indicate the terms under which you are allowed in the particular office, directional, like washrooms or the particular station you are at. So today I head off to conduct serious business at a Ministry in the capital city, very proud that I was not only able to use my home printer but to also make copies of a document that required an expert layout. 
I park in what I always consider the best park in town and walk down to the Ministry. Everybody is more than busy so I figure out that I could not be that dumb and I start following the signs. The office that I need to go to is on the second floor. The directions given by official looking people is 'go in dey, yuh go geh help'. Of course, I am greeted with 'no is not here, copies is downstairs'. Since I did not have my regular walk yesterday I continue on my journey using the stairs.
It seemed that anyone who needed copies in Trinidad came to that office today, the place was ram cram. Again, using the Cadiz charm, I am led to another place that actually worked. Except they gave me two (2) numbers one for one window and one for another window in case the first was the wrong window.
I dutifully wait for my turn, my time arrives and there is no one at the counter. A guy arrives, looks at my docs and says we need original copies, I reply these are original copies knowing that I had just signed them. He was not impressed and then told me I was at the wrong counter.
I packed my little envelope and decided that I had lost this battle but as Gen. MacArthur said in the Philippines, 'I shall return'.
Oh, the new sign I did see was' Come when you hear 'Next'.
This was the same Ministry where depending on your transaction, you can only use a computer generated form obtained at home or office on a printer.

Is it any wonder then, why we voted against helping our sister Dominica, who has suffered complete devastation from a hurricane, looking for a bligh with the annual OAS membership fees. Shame, shame and more shame on the PMOTT. All the big talk about taking in the children of Dominica to assist the families and that if we as people of the Rock did not want to help then we were worse than whatever! Good God PMOTT, that is the instruction your Minister of Foreign and Caricom Affairs was given? It is as bad as the last vote in the UN Assembly supporting the POTUS on Jerusalem by abstaining. Dominica, do not worry, the people of Trinidad and Tobago support you!

Last night at an opposition political meeting a staunch supporter of the ruling party was seated front center row. A privilege normally afforded to real dignitaries. This was the same political party that not too long ago confirmed we win alone we lose alone. I have no idea what the circus was about. Could they have been trying to compete with the Mexican Circus that is in town? The very strange part was that the LOTO was singing the praises of the now deceased PMOTT, Manning. Could be that the distinguished visitor was a staunch supporter of the Manning regime and for reasons known to himself figured that this was a way to show utter contempt for the current PMOTT. I am as lost as you are but I do hope that the current LOTO is not that stupid because if for one moment she feels that this is another 'Sugar Aloes' then she is more out of touch than I thought. 

Anyways, let us not allow the stupid politics to take over. It is becoming like the politics of the '60's with Chanka shouting 'we go give you b.r.e.d' and the crowd roars ' you leave out the 'a' and Chanka replies is 'b.r.e.d.a'

On that note people of the Rock, there is a new movement moving and the people know what has to be done to save this country.

Good night and good luck!    


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