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Pobres Venezolanos!

A very important decision was taken by me today. Since demitting public office in September of 2015 I had taken a couple of lifestyle decisions. One was to never wear a jacket and tie ever in life again, never have to set an alarm for work, of course Jouvert and other fun stuff would be the exception. Other things would be to have jeans as my everyday wear and not drive in traffic. Growing my beard was another priority, sending me back to my afro days and the 60's-70's. I can't regrow an afro because my hair, even though thankfully still there, is not in 'fro mode'. So the big decision is to go from a full beard to one of a lesser girth. The things semi-retired people do.

I think that the people of the Rock should be up in arms over the debacle surrounding the Chief Justice. Reading some of the 'man in the street' polls it would seem that the majority of people do not fully understand the seriousness of the current situation or they are simply not bothered. The democracy on the Rock has been threatened, the amour has been damaged, the rights of the people infringed. Democracy is not at risk only when there is a dictator in the seat, but more so when the crucial institutions, like the Judiciary, is threatened. What has happened on the Rock is exactly that. We have a Chief Justice who has proven to be an embarrassment to the Office and to now rub the proverbial salt in the wound by going on a sabbatical for six months is nothing but ludicrous. The President of the Rock is equally guilty by giving permission for the sabbatical. What nonsense is this?  The person however responsible for this complete breakdown of law and order is none other than the PMOTT. Whether because of 'ah we boi' issues or other things which we 'peons' are not aware of, the fact remains that it is the PMOTT and him alone who can reference the Constitution and start the proceedings to have the embattled Chief Justice removed. I see that on this UN Women's Day that it is none other than a determined, fiery lady Justice who is most vocal against the Chief Justice and his bringing the Judiciary into disrepute. The Judiciary should close its doors until this absolute mess is dealt with. PMOTT it is you who has to deal with this, no one else.

If you have a matter before the courts tomorrow will you get justice?

With our neighbor, Venezuela going through convulsions and the Venezuelan people literally under the gun do we have a policy to treat with people coming from the mainland? Has the government taken a decision on how to deal with legal and illegal persons crossing the gulf? Pregnant women, women with children, men, fathers, boys, girls, elderly, thieves, bandits, gunrunners, drug smugglers, people smugglers, some innocent some guilty. Apparently, the decision is inconsistent as to who is allowed in and who is not. One sees many Venezuelan tradesmen working on construction sites, in bars and restaurants, and then there is the parade of the poor women leaving the courts after being charged with various offenses and inevitably found guilty and jailed.  It would seem that the men are rarely found guilty and are allowed to work. What gives? It's easier and a lot more fun to sit in a stinking brothel and arrest women. Of course, the Venezuelan Embassy here on the Rock is of no help as the people are running from the said regime. Pobres Venezolanos!
The refugee crisis in Europe is alive and well here on the Rock but as usual, we do nothing, like the so-called terror cells that the AG said he knew about but now is not aware of. Love how the leader of the 1990 coup was invited to the meeting of Muslim organizations at the PMOTT's office. What a strange bunch we truly are!

Oh well, the first dry season day happened today and yet in Moka it drizzled tonight. The weather is as confused as are the people of the Rock.

We are a wonderful people, we are however lead by a bunch of people who we elected which should say something about our decision making,
Good night people and good luck, with the Lotto at $28.0M you may need it!


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