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'retired Friday'

Today was 'retired Friday'. I stayed home for most of the day heading out only to forage for pumpkin, tonic water and 'papers'. So, my interaction with the populace was really very limited and therefore I cannot give any great life experiences on this blog.

What I did, however, was to tune into the Parliament channel and view the goings on at the Honorable House. Today of interest was the no-confidence vote on the Minister of Works and Transport. It was Private Members Day so the debate stopped early with only five Members speaking.
The current Administration has totally screwed up the ferry service and that is the end of that. Between the Minister, who actually had to defend himself, his Prime Minister was nowhere present to witness his own Minister being roasted, confusing the entire issue and his sole defendant the very English, rasta who absolutely hates the Opposition in a real way, things did not go too well for the Minister. Then came the Opposition who really are not up to the task. Sure they pelted some big stone but what is needed is serious debate and not looking to score points with simple one-liners.
Personally, I would do away with the entire Westminster style of governance, but that's just me.

I cannot believe that the PMOTT made the statements that he did with reference to Venezuela. "T&T is not a refugee camp". Whoever said that was what the situation was all about? No one, nobody said that this is what we should be doing. Over 3.0M people have already fled Venezuela, countries like Columbia, Brazil, Chile, and Guyana have already been the recipients. None of these countries have closed their borders, understanding the situation in Venezuela. It is a lot easier for people who live in eastern Venezuela to head for the Rock. All we ask is for a policy, what is your position, the way you determined the situation in Dominica after the hurricane, you should be articulating your government's position on the people suffering in Venezuela. I love how at the end of the PMOTT's speech he somehow mentioned the gas deal. If it is that you are scared of compromising the gas deal then say so, do not blame the UN for doing what they are supposed to be doing.

This Administration is simply not up to the task. Every single thing they touch just blows up in their face. Why is that? Are they so bad lucky that nothing that they do works out? It cannot be the Le Couteau jumbie, it cannot be the Gods, no it has to be the leadership! At the head of every successful organization is good leadership. This 'grap' that we have at present has shown themselves to be the most incompetent bunch, ever! I can only imagine the talk behind the scenes of who is going back up for the 2020 election.

Imagine we witnessed the end of the Korean war today, April 27th, 2018. After 65 years of being at war, I think these two must be the last of an extended conflict with standing military. Finally, peace on the Korean peninsula. I am a pacifist and I do not support the military. Put the 'grillions' into education it just might help.

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.

Bob Dylan.

I feel for our Venezuelan neighbors, seven miles away. People have had the worst things to say about the situation. Throw your mind back to the last recession in 1986 and the number of people from the Rock that ran to Canada, some seeking asylum, and the Canadians implementing the visa requirement. Canada was protecting her borders. There will always be conflict, how one deals with it is the question? I don't think our PMOTT did the country proud.

A lot going on this weekend, good night and good luck!


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