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SOS Bay Ferries ...---...

Its Easter weekend and we here on the Rock are having a full four (4) public holiday weekend. This weekend we celebrate both Easter and Shouter Baptiste Day so its holidays galore. Looking at the American news channels this morning I was surprised that people were wishing each other Happy Easter. I thought all mention of anything religious had been removed from the public space and we now were greeted with 'Happy Holidays'. Anyway, a very Happy Easter to all and a very happy Shouter Baptist Day to all!

Many years ago, like fifty (50) years, my Easter holidays were spent camping down the islands, in Scotland Bay to be exact, with a bunch of other friends. We had a rowboat and that was our sole means of transport for nearly two weeks. We would load our provisions at then Staubles Bay and row around Cannings Pt into the First Boca and ended at Scotland Bay. There were no permanent camping sites so we would have to make one. There is something about being on your own without any adults around to dictate the pace that gives you a great outlook on life. The leaders would soon be known within the group and typically the older boys would assume that position. The problem was nearly all of us were the same age. Maybe we were all destined to become leaders as I think we all went on to create and build our own companies working for ourselves. I guess having to use a rowboat gives one a lot of time to think about many things, especially when you are 14 yrs old.
We had very memorable times, plenty ole talk, building cooking fires, sharing of chores, cooking, and in general becoming very close friends whilst doing all of that. We did do stupid things like walking through Tetron from the Scotland Bay end and literally walking through to the main security gate entrance before we were stopped. It probably is the same today, high security. Or the time a couple of the guys took a dingy and sailed it across the Boca in the dead of night, flipping the boat in the Boca and having to swim with the overturned boat to Monos island. The rest of us at the campsite were not aware of this escapade and one could only guess what could have been another outcome.
When you are (14) with no adult supervision and a lot of time on your hands you tend to become very creative. We certainly were the masters!
It is sad that because of our crime situation that today's parents would not even consider a request to go camping by a bunch of youths, on their own. 
When camping season was approaching and we determined what the 'sub' was going to be, normally $10.00 for the two weeks, my mother would determine what jobs around the house would add up to be the value of the individual contribution and off I went to work. In our home, there was simply no freeness. Great memories of a time long gone!

By tomorrow the long Easter weekend would have come and gone. The traditional Good Friday church services all completed, Good Friday Bobolee(s) determined, Easter Egg hunts, kite flying in the various savannahs across the country, fasting completed and a general sense of renewal for many Christians. One of the traditions that did not play out this year was the annual pilgrimage to Tobago. There was a total collapse this time with not a single vessel being sailed between the twin island state. Not one! 
We now hear of maintenance being established, of things being put in place to try and fix the problems. One angle might be calling back Bay Ferries with a view of having them fix the vessels and operate them for a period of three (3) years during which time you can properly establish and execute a plan for the permanent solution to the sea bridge. Sure it would be a case of your tail between your legs but at least we will have a working ferry service.  SOS Bay Ferries! ...---...

The issue of Dominica, the OAS, the Minister of Foreign and Caricom Affairs and the Permanent Representative to the OAS and the embarrassment to the people of the Rock remains on the front page of the media. Some have said 'no big deal' as we helped Dominica after the hurricane disaster. That is not the issue. The issue is that an instruction was given to the country's representative to vote in a particular way. The representative dutifully voted, there is a hue and cry from the people of the Rock and the representative is blamed for 'misrepresenting the country'. No, no, no! The person responsible for determining the vote is the person to be held responsible. In this case the man himself, the Minister!

I visited a breakfast place this week and sitting there I looked around and a whole new support for my country came over me. The mix of people was something we all know but there was something about this particular instance that has reinforced my commitment to the Rock. Patrons were greeting each other, some total strangers, each table with a lively discussion. The staff, equally in the vibe completing the picture. We are extremely fortunate to be a society where there is a genuine love for each other as people of the Rock. Very few countries that make up the 7.0BN people of the world can boast of this phenomenon, very few.  

The dry season is finally here, hot, sometimes breezy days, and cool nights. The Northern Range is not yet on fire and I sure hope it stays that way. We might just get away.
Hope we all had a happy, holy and family weekend!

Keep cool you people of the Rock, keep your powder dry because the time will soon be upon us to do our national duty and save once and for all, our country! 


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