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Mr Ambassador!

In 1987 I started my own business, in the worst recession to hit the island, ever. There was simply no foreign exchange, none, and the IMF had to intervene with the inevitable consequences. The economy today is not the best, businesses are suffering from both foreign exchange shortages and a real slowdown in trading. People are not spending unless they have to. Of course not having a government leading the charge to get us out of this recession is very worrying. I don't see the vision, the very clear path ahead, the words that are spoken are not exactly inspiring. Will we survive, probably, but just barely. What it does do of course is create opportunities, makes you look in other places, forces you to change the way you do business, helps you to become that more efficient.

Today our youngest, launched an enterprise with his good friend and together it has great potential. The restaurant/food business is extremely competitive, very price sensitive and has the highest failure rate for any business. The hours of work are unlimited, you are working whilst your friends enjoy themselves. It is a very difficult business to be in unless of course, you have the love and passion for it. This is the one singular trait both guys have, love and passion.  Doing things differently will most certainly be advantageous and we wait to see the reaction from the foodies. Today was a test run so I guess after all is said and done and a proper evaluation is carried out the decision will be made. It is great to see young people taking the risk and following their dream. Good luck guys!

The POTUS has appointed a new USA Ambassador for the Rock. The official relationship with the US started in 1962 when an Embassy was established. I would assume that prior to 1962 all official communication would have been done through the Crown. There was a Counsel General appointed to the Rock prior to the Embassy.
The Ambassador-designate in his interview with the US Congress has already identified a couple areas of concern with regard to the twin-island state. One of the interviewees actually referred to the Rock as two separate islands states and was not corrected by the Ambassador-designate which has me a bit worried. There were a number of questions asked and the answers were all to do with terrorism, unemployment, and Venezuela. Nothing about the very long-standing relationship between the two (or three depending) countries.
 The USA had two military bases here, of vital interest to the allied forces during WW2. The original Churchill Roosevelt Highway was actually known as the MP Road having been built by the Americans as a transportation link between the port of Port of Spain and Fort Reid Airforce Base in Waller Field. We must not forget the North Coast Road to Maracas, built by the Americans,  the pillars at the entrance are still there. Of greater importance was the fact that the Andrew Sisters song, 'Rum and Coca-Cola' was not theirs. The US investment in the Rock is substantial, the relationships go back generations. A warm welcome to Mr. Ambassador.

Waller Field was named after United States Army Air Corps Major Alfred J. Waller, a distinguished World War I combat pilot, killed in the crash of a Consolidated PB-2A at Langley Field on 11 December 1937. The airfield was intended to have four runways, but the two southern ones were canceled due to the nature of the ground.

People of the Rock, we are truly a good people, we love life, we have no real issues with each other, the politics really do not affect our relationships and so it should be. Be on the lookout for a 'pop-up restaurant' in your area soon.

Good night and good luck!


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