One should never be at odds with the met office. You never know when you are going to need their help. With the advent of satellites, the internet, and Wunderground one can basically tell whether the rain is going to fall or if it is going to snow. On Thursday this week, the Met office issued a bulletin stating that we were going to experience a heat wave and we should be taking the necessary precautions. It rained cats and dogs, and more, it pelted with rain. There was no mention of rain in the bulletin. Hey, we do get it wrong every now and again but I really thought that somehow they could have seen that coming. Today was hot, a heat wave!
The episode of the car stealing then the restealing of the same car within hours of the now famous car being found and the reaction by the Minister of National Security is one of wonder. The hapless owner was held up at gunpoint, car stolen, found, then restolen then found again. The Minister proceeds to make the statement that on hearing of this dastardly deed he personally called the Heads of all the Security services and told them to basically get on with it, find the stolen car! The Minister thinks it is necessary to get personally involved in one particular crime and not others sends a very confused message to many of us who have had knives and guns pointed at us and subsequently relieved of our valuables, who have been woken up in the dead of night with either people attempting to break into your house or actually in your house. Experienced that dreadful moment of not seeing your car and walking like a fool around the corner hoping you forgot where you had parked the vehicle. Wake up in the morning and see a vehicle missing from your garage with the driveway gate open. These are all real instances, and I have not even started on murder and rape.
I guess being an anchor for a primetime news broadcast means a whole lot to a politician. I am not too sure about this start of this new responsibility. There are people in this country who are totally traumatized, live in fear constantly, and know that their situation will remain as is because of a complete lack of empathy by the authorities and that it is a case of 'ketch as ketch can'.
I do not normally comment on the politics in other countries but I am actually concerned about what is happening in the good old land of the free and the brave. Recent comments made by a number of people, media and politicians have given me cause for concern. Summing up it seems that there is a very public campaign saying that America should be 'white'. Comments made by white media persons saying that this is not 'the America' that they are accustomed to means what? We want people who look like us, means what? Calling a candidate who just happens to be Muslim saying that she is an 'ISIS Commie'? It is real because I am looking at it live, this is not fake news, this is not something that some lonely person has 'tweeted'. No, this is some of the 'white, bigoted, racist' comments being made on national TV for all to see and hear. How did the land of the free ever come to this?
I truly find this very scary. The world has turned and is heading in a direction where the next conflict will surely do us all in. This is not a doomsday warning, yes we will have Carnival next year, but where is all of this heading? Are we back to wearing 'yellow' markers to identify us, go to the back of the bus, is it then that resegregation is going to be the new norm, only if you are white means that 'chain migration 'is OK? Especially if you just happen to be the FLOTUS' parents and not some poor migrant from El Salvador.
What exactly is happening in the land of the free? I know many people of the Rock who have migrated, it would be interesting to know who gets their votes.
This is not good!
Oh well, back to the land of the living and whatever the retreat brings.
People, keep calm and support only the Rock, good night and good luck!
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