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Shadow the man!

The week that was gave us a real insight into who we are as a nation. If only VS could have been around still, this last week would have been a continuing chapter for one of his books. Not sure which one but Miguel Street comes to mind. Of bumbling politicians, self-importance and completely missing the plot.

First was what is now known as the 'sari skit'. A reprehensible, disgusting skit performed by a group of people who thought that they were actually doing the ruling party a great service. When the outrage was voiced across the Rock the politicians came up with simple excuses like 'it was just fun' not realising for a split second that people were horrified and appalled at the simulated disrobing of a woman by four males dressed as gorillas which had all the markings of a sexual assault. The Hindu community was up in arms over the remarkable simulation of a scene taken from one of its holy books. The politicians continued with their trivialising of something that was so offensive to so many people, Hindu, and non-Hindu. Finally, the PMOTT comes out and apologizes unreservedly to the Hindu population. This after one week which tells me that he was just not prepared to do it and it was only through public pressure that he conceded. But the apology was to the Hindu community and not the nation. I can only assume that the PMOTT does not see violence against women as anything to be concerned about.

Second was the 'wrath of the miscreants'. What exactly is the role of a Member of Parliament? I am not going to judge anyone for all Representatives operate differently. They will determine exactly how best to serve their constituents. What I will say is that after decades of representation and the poverty still exists, the neighbourhood is in a complete state of disrepair, flooding, crime and a general degradation of the community the sitting MP must accept some of the blame. The Beetham community came out of 'Shanty Town' which existed up to the 70s. The Beetham would have been developed to assist the Shanty Town residents to make a better life for them and their families, ownership, proper living conditions, a better life for all. Nearly fifty years after we see the result of non-representation, bad governance, and just taking people for granted. Forget about a better life, the vote is guaranteed. The response to a community's plight is met with ridicule, insults, dismissiveness and ineffective representation. There was more concern about the quality of the water being hurled at the MP than the real situation.

Third was the Chief Justice vs the Law Association which was heard by the Privy Council. How could these two entities have a completely different view as to who came up trumps with the case before the learned body? If the CJ came out on top then the leadership of the LATT should resign, if the verdict was different then the CJ must do the only right thing and resign. The Rock cannot have a judiciary that is in disaray, at odds with each other. Errant politicians can be dealt with, judicial officers are different, they must understand their role in maintaining the legal system of the Rock and the public cannot be second guessing their integrity.

Forth was the absured ruling by Her Majesty's Customs and Excise Div. of the Ministry of Finance and the declaration that no longer will items of personal happiness be allowed entry into the Colony. Any citizen wishing to import ' Come Hither Dual Stimulation Flexing Vibrators' and 'Passion Licks Strawberry Water Based flavored lubricant' please be aware that these items and 'camoflage dildos' are prohibited items.

Fifth was the awarding of an honorary doctorate from UWI on Winston Bailley, the Mighty Shadow. My favorite calypsonian, the best.

In 1974 Shadow changed the music forever with his iconic 'Bassman' and 'I come out to play'. My father who was not a lover of calypso introduced me to Shadow.

I was under PF 1971, a Ford Zephyr 6, the family car, fixing something, when Harry called out to me saying "have you ever heard more stupidness? Listen to what this man is singing". It was the Mighty Shadow singing 'Bassman'. I was hooked immediately, Shadow the man!

In 2000 a friend relates the story of calling Shadow to book him for an event. This was the year of 'Stranger' and ' Looking for Horn', two major hits. Shadow was completely booked so his reply was  "like all de mango ripen one time!"

I worked with a youth pan side from Pinto Road in Arima, Simple Song. That year Panorama, the band decided to play 'Bassman' as their tune of choice. Shadow came down to the Savannah to see the band perform and remarked that it was one of the best arrangements of 'Bassman' he had heard.

There is so much good on the Rock, great people, creative people and we continue to wallow in mediocrity and according to the PMOTT, 'foolishness'.

People of the Rock, let's get it on, show some R.E.S.P.E.C.T for each other and good luck!


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