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the Isle of Spice

We ran away, again, to the Spice Island, for a couple days. Work and play. Our first day there was the day of rain. I have never witnessed steady rain, a bucket a drop, like what we experienced on Wednesday. It started just after 7.00am and continued down to 5.00pm. Of course, the drainage system was put under severe stress and there was substantial flooding in many low lying areas, in addition to landslips on the hills. The videos of a guy on a board surfing on the street was real as was the guy attempting to tie his car in order to prevent it from being washed away.
What was very noticeable was the fact that people who had to report for duty did in fact report. We stay at a small hotel and the staff were all present and accounted for. Speaking with other travelers the situation was the same throughout. This morning on leaving the hotel again everyone reporting for duty. Speaking with the GM she said that she had to pick up a couple people who were marooned in their homes, but they did report for work.
Another thing I noticed was the fact that the bar and restaurant staff doubled up during their shifts. Each one pitched in when they saw the other under pressure. I did not hear a single request being made, they just knew when the times were right to pitch in.
On the 'flooding day,' the housekeeper doing our room got drenched and called someone to bring a dry uniform for her which she promptly put on and continued her work.
So why the references to work ethic? because unless we know what our competition is we can negotiate till the cows come home with big name brands, spend billions on infrastructure and on hotel development but if the most basic requirement is not there then it will never happen. Ask the management at the Magdalena Grand about hiring local staff!

The Commissioner of Police of both Rocks, commands a manpower complement of close to 8,000 officers, multiple facilities including 87 police stations, a fleet of vehicles numbering in excess of 1,500 patrol cars and hundreds of other support vehicles and a budget in the hundreds of millions of dollars. He is responsible for the safety of all the citizens of the country, he is responsible for dealing with crime in the country and will be held accountable by the public. When you learn of the remuneration being paid to the top cop one wonders if we are really serious about being able to attract the best person to manage an organization like the TTPS. With the figures quoted that basically amounts to running a large franchise business across the country. If we equate the job of any CEO running 87 plus outlets with 8,000 employees and 1,500 company vehicles and an annual budget of big bucks I wonder what the package would be? Of course one cannot just equate public service packages to a corporate CEO but at least it has to make sense. The public is already on the case of the new CoP's package but what do we want? Performance or old talk? Pay the man his worth, if it is not happening then fire him, like any CEO.

Coming through Piarco this morning I was eager to try out the new immigration kiosk facilities but the kiosk area was in darkness with no one there to assist. We stepped into the regular immigration line and of course, I have to engage someone to tell me about the new system. 'Dat is a waste of time, I eh know who bring dat, look it not working'. This from a member of the Immigration officer corps. It works well in other jurisdictions, it cuts down on the processing time and should be at least used for nationals. Listnening to someone, who obviously was in some position of authority, to make negative comments about the new improved system just said it all. We will stay in the doldrums forever. The Isle of Spice has a couple of kiosks for citizens, with, I might add a uniformed agent to assist persons in using the machines.

The boat buying continues unabated. This is the strangest procurement system that I have ever witnessed but it is not for me to determine. There is a process by which any government can in fact purchase services and goods. Is what is going on at present within the approved and authorized public service procurement process then I have no problem. I guess this too shall be determined. I only hope that the issue of Fiduciary Duty and the tenents of good governance will be adhered to. A number of persons in different offices are making pronouncements on the boat buying, I can only assume that all is well!

People of the Rock and the people of the Rocks keep the faith, it will all come together very nicely.

Good night and good luck!


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