Sunday night, the new school term starts tomorrow. I do not remember my first day at Holy Cross College in Arima. I remember my last day, however. What would I do differently if I had the chance to do it all over again? Seeing that nothing much has changed in 54 years in our education system I probably would end up exactly where I am today. I really feel for these kids knowing that many would turn out like me, a dreadful thought. The school of hard knocks is just that, pressure. Years ago one could ask for a favor and get your child a job, not again. It is all based on education and experience. Those of us who do not qualify for a position based on your resume do the next best thing and work for yourself. It's called entrepreneurship! It is in fact what makes the world go around. A bunch of mad people, hacking their way through a forest of rules and regulations and not taking on any of it. Sometimes it works sometimes it does not. I am very familiar with both.
The PMOTT was speaking to the nation tonight on matters of State. I did not know what time it was supposed to be, we have two of our grans with us for the next couple days and to be brutally honest I was not the least interested. I will read about in the morning and will hear all the sycophants and naysayers tomorrow. What could the PMOTT be addressing the nation tonight which would be of a game changer for the Rock? Well, I could think of a number of issues he could bring to the fore that would excite the population. So, I have listed a few, not in any order of importance.
- We are selling the Galleons Passage and the other ferries and will contract the services of companies that actually know something about running a ferry service.
- The State will divest its ownership in Petrotrin and in fact divest its interest in all other state-owned companies that are supposed to be commercially viable.
- We will invest heavily in agriculture hoping to reduce the $5.0bn food import bill. No state-owned farms but major support for our farmers.
- The new Commissioner of Police will be given the necessary support to carry out his job both with required legislation and budgetary support.
- We will decriminalize the use of marijuana. All persons currently before the courts or serving sentences for possession will be pardoned.
- Teachers will be given the respect they deserve, finally. Not TTUTA however.
- A full disclosure will be made tomorrow on the gas deal that we signed with Venezuela. I pledge we will never take the citizens for morons again and all future dealings will be transparent.
- The issue of many parts of the Rock not having a 24/7 pipe borne water supply will finally be dealt with. Water for all!
- The Rock will embark on a massive environmental program. No longer will we be living in a garbage dump. Single-use plastics, styrofoam and other packaging materials harmful to the environment will be banned by year end.
- We are determined to make the Rock a green space.
- You the people of the Rock have been clamoring for Constitutional change. You got it! We will finally have a contract with the people that actually works for the people so the maximum leader style politics will be no longer.
- The issue of some schools not opening will be something of the past. Education is paramount and there can be no excuse for a school not opening at the start of the term. This has become a new phenomenon which will no longer be tolerated.
Not sure if any of the above was part of the PMOTT's address, there are a number of other issues but it's Sunday night.
Tomorrow is a new day on the Rock and we can only hope that the PMOTT is well grounded with the reality of our current situation and has made a commitment to making the Rock a truly better place.
Good night people, and good luck!
Steve, well put but I’m left feeling that what I feel? Did not listen to speech last night and have now only glanced at papers...I have not much hope that any or some of these issues were addressed! But have to shake the ambivalence...thanks for giving us some clarity and the words to add to conversation. Love to all