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Be buffed! The Constitution [5]

Today was an uneventful day in Trinidad and Tobago. Well sort of, the news of a well known Catholic priest being robbed was of course not what we want to hear. Actually we do not want to hear of anyone being a victim of any crime so I hope the PMOTT will find a way to comment, as he has done with this most recent crime, on the 'miscreants' who are at it full-time. Or better yet how about the PMOTT reading the riot act to all connected with law enforcement and let them know that he will be dealing with them so beware, your jobs will be jumping up if you do not fix this permanently.

It seems all went well for the ruling party's family and sports day. Good weather and from all reports very well attended. The media had pics of the more important people like the AG looking very buffed, must take a fair amount of gym time to not only get the 'bod' in that condition but also to maintain the 'buffness.' The musical chair segment did not show many happy faces. I guess the political leader's statement about report cards and MP's having to account for their stewardship may have put a slight damper on the days proceedings. The media pics did not show any teams from Tobago, not sure what happened there.

The PMOTT took the opportunity to outline a couple of his government's initiatives in dealing with an economy that has come to a halt. The Sandal's project was one of the featured investments. I say again that I do not support the project for reasons that I have already stated. I think that one question that needs to be answered is if the project does see the light of day how much cash investment does the T&T taxpayer have to put up? and a supplemental question to that is of course is how much cash  is the Sandal's group putting up?
In case the T&T taxpayer is not aware we, the people, already own the Trinidad Hilton, The Hyatt Regency, the Magdalena Grand and the THA recently bought two distressed hotel properties. This makes it a total of [5] hotel properties. I believe we once owned the Coco Reef Resort then sold it to the current owner.
Does the Sandal's project require the T&T taxpayer to construct and pay for the hotel property? and if so at what price? I see based on the PMOTT's statement we are now adding an 18 hole championship golf course. This additional facility now making it three [3] golf courses on the island. I guess any hope of a high end marina facility is once again on the back burner.
Not sure if the PMOTT remembers that we did host the Johnnie Walker International Pro-Am at Mt Irvine at one time. The Mt Irvine course at that time was ranked as one of the ten [10] best golf courses in the Caribbean. It was also host for 'Shell's Wonderful World of Golf'
In so many instances we have been there and totally screwed it up and now have to start all over again. That is another story for another time.

The Constitution:

The PMOTT's statements on the Sandal's proposed investment is a case in point. When you are dealing with taxpayers money you have to be transparent and up front. You cannot just claim that this is a good investment because you want it. The citizens of this country have a right to know what they are being saddled with and at what cost. The same goes for Petrotrin. The PMOTT receives a report on the company and makes the statement that after his government reviews the findings and recommendations by the committee' long as the recommendations find favor with the Government of T&T, those recommendations will be implemented...'
Why is it that the Government alone takes the decision on a multi billion dollar issue and not the people, the Parliament. Once again we are going to have a situation where we, the taxpayers, are going to be left with a debt determined by the Government that we know nothing of. Why is the Petrotrin report not laid in the Parliament, where it belongs. Let us the citizens determine the way forward.
If we could put a stop to child marriages then surely we can deal with Petrotrin. Well some of us were there in the Parliament to vote on the banning of child marriages. I guess the LOTO had other pressing matters.

My point is that under our Constitution we need the Parliament to be able to pronounce on issues that have a billion dollar effect on our nation's finances, not the Government. That way any favors or payback promises will be removed from the decision making. Same story with the Sandal's project.

Hey, forgot to mention how pleased I am with the announcement of a new pan organization. PanTrinbago has not exactly been an exemplar organization. Sorry I missed WeBeat in St James this weekend, next year!



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