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On the front pages its Gold, Gold and more Gold! What a time for our athletics and then coming on the heels of the track and field wins the TKR going into the finals at the CPL.

All great news for a nation so hurt by the everyday headlines. Imagine the UK travel advisory on T&T warning their citizens about the possibility of a terrorist attack. Which part of the world is immune? London, New York, Paris, Australia, Burkina Faso? Maybe the advisory might not be the actual attack but how the local authorities deal with the intel and then the aftermath. We all live in very different times and its now the norm. The home invasions, random holdups, fighting and knife attacks on main street T&T to me is very worrying. Instead of having road blocks on both sides of the Western Main Rd last Friday where tens of thousands of innocent citizens were severely inconvenienced says they do not get it. How about the random stop and search routine, surely that is more effective. Does the TTPS know about Waze and other social media apps that indicate the location of the breathalyzer crews?

Well, well, well we now have an investigator appointed to look into all aspects of the leasing of the two most recent vessels, the Cabo Star and the Ocean Flower 2. As usual, on the rock, there are a number of questions being asked as to the suitability of the person appointed. This investigator is going to be the 'sole' person who will utilize the services of the office of the AG and Legal Affairs.

  • What are the qualifications of the sole investigator and does this person have any experience in the Maritime Industry and audit process
  • What is the mandate for this person
  • To whom is the report to be delivered
  • Are the persons involved in the procurement of the ferries to still continue working at the PATT whether as officers of the PATT or Commissioners whilst the sole investigator carries out his work
  • Is the Minister of Works and Transport to be sent on leave or transferred, he was very instrumental in this entire procurement process.
  • The AG's office, in April, made a damning statement that there was 'corruption at the highest office' with the procurement of the SuperFast Galicia. Is this the same office being assigned the responsibility to assist the sole investigator. Note, not a single file has been passed on to the DPP, not a single pre action protocol letter sent as stated by the line Minister with reference to the SF Galicia.
  • Why has the PMOTT appointed a sole investigator and not, as in the case of the SF Galicia the AG's office to do the preliminary work. Or as an alternative have an accounting firm do the evaluation of the procurement process.
  • The Maritime Industry is a specialized industry and one would have to be very experienced and versed in the peculiarities of the industry. Does this sole investigator have any idea of what the industry is?
  • The President of the Republic must approve the Commissioners of the PATT. Is it then he has the powers to remove the Commissioners?
  • Lastly, did the sole investigator support the ruling party financially? 

  • There are many more questions to this debacle that need answering and depending on the answers those persons dealt with. It is shameful! It is a blot on this Governments performance and people have to be brought to account. 
  • How can the cost of two ferries cost twice as much for vessels that are twice as old as the existing fleet? You want to tell me that no one asked that question? 
  • The Cabinet led by the PMOTT is the body to approve the funding for the two replacement vessels. No one in the Cabinet asked the question as to why we were doing this? 
  • No one in the Cabinet questioned the sum of money required to service the Tobago ferries? I find that extremely difficult to accept and therefore the entire Cabinet present the first time the note came to Cabinet is responsible, when the note went to the F&GP and then finally when the note was confirmed. 
  • Three times the members of the Cabinet saw this note and no one raised their hand to either object or least query the costs. The entire Cabinet is therefore responsible and now liable for the misuse of public funds in the most blatant way.
  • Is the sole investigator going to investigate who in the Cabinet raised an objection or stormed out of the meeting protesting this approval? 
  • The Cabinet note would have had to have a comparison figure for the previous vessel, the SF Galicia. This so if a Member was not aware before of the comparative costs they would now be appraised. 
  • Another question would be who chaired the Cabinet meeting when this decision was taken and confirmed? 
  • Is the sole investigator's mandate, to carry out an investiquiry into the Cabinet decision. You see, when the Cabinet note came recommending the renewal of the contract for the SF Galicia it was sent flying back to the PATT with a strong message, do not bring that back here. Soon after heads rolled, PATT Board gone, Minister gone. One wonders what will happen now!

People do not worry, it will all come out in the wash.

Good night and good luck!


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