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'overheard' 3

This conversation was overheard at a meeting held somewhere close to the Hyatt on Monday night. The voices were muffled so all was not heard.

Voice [1], female V[1]: Yuh see alyuh, I was home relaxing watching mi Netflix when de man call me an arks if I could give him pull out. I say well, one meeting a month, free lunch and some change, das not a bad deal so I say ah go take de wuk. I eh come out for dis setta dotishness all yuh want to put me in. I relaxing on my GoAway, not me an no Stayting, nah I gone up in de cold and like is mas in August. All yuh wurst dan PanTrinbago!

Voice [2] male V [2].: Listen, it have a situation dat if we ent deal wit it all ah we goin down. Dis internet ting have de country crazy. Not like long time, everybody does know everyting one shot. Long time yuh cud buy a boat an is only when everybody ded an gorn is den you finding out what it is really happen. Steups

V[1] All de years I wuking I never know dis is how all yuh uses to do de ting, how all yuh hide it so?

V [2] Allyuh uses to play allyuh didn't know nutten. Anyway how we trowing dis on the last govment?

interruption    'pring pring pring!

V [1] what dis man calling me for, lard, I dun tell him when we figger how we turning dis rong I go call him. "Hello, yes is me, ah hah, not yet, five minutes, uh huh, yes I know de boss vex, yes I know is pressure, ah go call yuh". Shims man, yuh put your own self in de bacchanal and I mus help yuh. Yuh see allyuh man it good for allyuh!
Where de man who write dat setta stupidness bout how de boat eh good, what he knows bout boat. Doh interrupt, ah doh want to know nutten, so what if he working here 50 yrs, dat doh qualify him for nutten, shims man.

interruption    'pring pring pring pring'

V [1] look Mr Man doh get me dam vex here today eh, wha he calling for again. 'Hello, ah tought ah tell..... sorry sorry Chief ah diden know it was you, uh hmm, yes, yes, right, correct, no problem, Chief dat is a boss idea, deal close".
You see why my boss is ah boss. He gorn an setup ah investiquiry wit ah fella who knows nutten bout nutten so he could investigate dis bacchanal all yuh gone an do. So de plan is to sen home de fella who knows nutten about nutten after 50 yrs in de wuk and bring a fella who knows nutten bout nutten   only bout nuggets.
Was de time, good I could still make a little hour wit meh Netflix, meeting done!


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