The other day whilst driving to Chaguanas I glance up and there is a Scarlet Ibis in full flight right in front of me. Just one, in full regalia, bright red flying from east to west at about 10.30 am. Poor guy might have been lost or disoriented. The Ibis would normally leave the Caroni for Venezuela early in the morning to return late evening. There are reports of a huge flock of Ibis flying eastwards off of La Fillette at about 7.00am a couple weeks ago, heading to somewhere not sure where. Looking at these beautiful birds in flight and knowing that ignorant people hunt them sends me to another place. What is it about any hunting that the authorities do not understand. I remember walking on one of the islands in the Galapagos where you could walk right up to a nesting bird who would not take flight as you approached because humans were not known predators.
I would really like to see us be a progressive country and deal with issues like a permanent ban on hunting amongst so many other things. Finally doing something for the right reason and not just the vote.
Today I went down to the Treasury Building, Pensions Dept, to submit proof that I was actually alive. I guess by appearing in person would have sufficed but I had to get the 'yuh not dead' form endorsed by someone of standing in the society, in my case a 'wicked' bank manager. It's not a problem for me to do this annual ritual. Of course walking in the capital city is always something that I look forward to doing. 'Aye Cadeez' ' you getting pension too' ' how he get tru so fast' ( I just handed in the form and left). Love the comments. This was the Pensions Div, meaning nearly everyone visiting this office is a pensioner with many being a pensioner for many years. The only way into the Pension office is via stairs. How in this day in 2017, not for one fleeting moment did someone think that not everyone will be in a position to negotiate stairs. I felt ashamed for us as a nation that something as basic as access for the elderly we could not do.
One person who stopped me, a total stranger 78 yrs old, her name was Jacqueline, giving stories about her recent trip to Germany to visit her daughter and how nice Germany was. She was armed with her walking stick and heading off to the Pension Div. I was wondering how do they do the pension deal in Germany. The only problem with the German way would be I might not have met all these great people.
I think that the majority of people are missing the point with the 2018 Budget. In this crucial time of economic decline there has not been a word of hope, not a glimmer of what we could expect tomorrow. It is all negative, it is all about how bad things are, how much it costs to run the rock and how the bad people who have invested in businesses are responsible for the mess T&T has found itself in. I wish our politicians would grow up, and I am talking about all politicians, and recognize that the country has to go through a period of adjustment which can be controlled and instead of laying blame they should be speaking about the bright future ahead of us. If you continue to preach fire and brimstone and that there is no hope for my salvation I stop going to your church. I will not subject myself to this nonsense because you have a political agenda for election 2020.
So the flight of the Scarlet Ibis, the talk in town, a great Trini day was had. It is why I have faith in our people, not necessarily our current crop of politicians, to work through this economic period.
Good night people of the rock and good luck!
I would really like to see us be a progressive country and deal with issues like a permanent ban on hunting amongst so many other things. Finally doing something for the right reason and not just the vote.
Today I went down to the Treasury Building, Pensions Dept, to submit proof that I was actually alive. I guess by appearing in person would have sufficed but I had to get the 'yuh not dead' form endorsed by someone of standing in the society, in my case a 'wicked' bank manager. It's not a problem for me to do this annual ritual. Of course walking in the capital city is always something that I look forward to doing. 'Aye Cadeez' ' you getting pension too' ' how he get tru so fast' ( I just handed in the form and left). Love the comments. This was the Pensions Div, meaning nearly everyone visiting this office is a pensioner with many being a pensioner for many years. The only way into the Pension office is via stairs. How in this day in 2017, not for one fleeting moment did someone think that not everyone will be in a position to negotiate stairs. I felt ashamed for us as a nation that something as basic as access for the elderly we could not do.
One person who stopped me, a total stranger 78 yrs old, her name was Jacqueline, giving stories about her recent trip to Germany to visit her daughter and how nice Germany was. She was armed with her walking stick and heading off to the Pension Div. I was wondering how do they do the pension deal in Germany. The only problem with the German way would be I might not have met all these great people.
I think that the majority of people are missing the point with the 2018 Budget. In this crucial time of economic decline there has not been a word of hope, not a glimmer of what we could expect tomorrow. It is all negative, it is all about how bad things are, how much it costs to run the rock and how the bad people who have invested in businesses are responsible for the mess T&T has found itself in. I wish our politicians would grow up, and I am talking about all politicians, and recognize that the country has to go through a period of adjustment which can be controlled and instead of laying blame they should be speaking about the bright future ahead of us. If you continue to preach fire and brimstone and that there is no hope for my salvation I stop going to your church. I will not subject myself to this nonsense because you have a political agenda for election 2020.
So the flight of the Scarlet Ibis, the talk in town, a great Trini day was had. It is why I have faith in our people, not necessarily our current crop of politicians, to work through this economic period.
Good night people of the rock and good luck!
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