Following up on yesterday's post I am pleased to announce that my 'Ready to Rent' Certificate was renewed today as I had my plumbing checked out and all is well. I think the prep is worse than the actual examination. Clear soup made from ingredients that seem more suited for army rations and water for 1 1/2 days is not exactly the catch of the day. Anyway's, done, finish, moving on! I agree that no incarceration facility on the rock is considered high security, including the one actually on the rock. The debacle surrounding the walking out of a prison facility by an accused person and the immediate disclaimers being put out by both the prison, court and police authorities says that this could be another one of those things that take years and years to determine what happened with no one ever being held responsible. What always amazes me is the fact that no one in a supervisory role or management is ever fired for incompetence. There will always be persons in senior ...