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vital supplies

Every day, in the morning and then at night, the great protector, the dog, receives 2 of one of the rock's most famous products, the vital supplies! Well I had to open a new pack tonight and I had to remark that it was a batch of the best. The taste, the 'crispyness', the color, the absolute best! My father used to give the family dogs condensed milk on bread for breakfast.
Today I felt the first northern breeze coming off the North Coast, nice and cool. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I see the AATT introducing sniffer dogs at the airport. The picture in one of the dailies is a sniffer dog leaping at a man. I hope the security company supplying both dog and man understands that there is a protocol when dealing with airport passengers. Travel is such a stressful time for many people hence the dogs are more or less invisible as they walk through the crowds. Many people fear dogs and the presence of the animals in an enclosed area creates further stress. In many airports small dogs are used which are just as effective as a German Sheppard but do not create the problems. The dog handlers are not necessarily 'jack booted' and in some cases the handlers are women dressed in civilian clothing using small dogs.
I do support the use of the sniffer dogs and wish the AATT well. I also support the commissioning of the explosive detection equipment which will end the stupid, reckless physical bag search before you check-in.
The Minister of National Security making the statement of all the backup plans for Immigration services are fine. Did not hear of the plan to deal with the errant Immigration Officers who created havoc the other day. I guess that plan will be filed with the 'Total Policing Day' plan. If we are serious about moving the rock forward these are issues that have to be dealt with. I remember in 1981 when US President Reagan fired 11,345 striking air traffic controllers citing a 'peril to national safety'.
There are times when one has to call the bluff, putting the citizens of this country at risk for what ever reason is justification for termination and a new start.

I see that the TTPS hierarchy is making themselves well known to the well known criminal gangs in the West. The word is out that the TTPS has in fact told the gang leaders to 'BEHAVE' themselves or else! I guess when all else has failed the best angle is to appease to the better nature of the adversary. By telling the gangs of the West to stop and think about what they, the gangs, are doing I guess will resonate with the gangs and from Monday morning all will be quiet on the Western Front. Hey, gang leaders are reasonable people, they know how to run a business, they have excellent leadership skills, they have tried and proven methods of dealing with competition, they know all the loopholes in the regulatory system so it is only fair to assume that they will rise to the occasion and 'behave'.

Had great conversation at the car wash today. Listening to the guys it would seem that they are very much in tune with what is going on. Maybe not macro economics but definitely what affects them on a daily basis. The genuine concern for their families, their future was evident.

And so the rock rocks tonight, Friday, as usual, and life goes on. The politics obviously of concern to the population. I have this feeling that there is going to be a tectonic shift in the politics, and I welcome this.

Good night and good luck people of the rock, tomorrow we live for another day. Make sure you have your 'vital supplies'.


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