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a Royal wedding

Tomorrow morning I am heading off to have one of those tests done, I should say that this is a routine test and part of my annual checkup, where one has to fast and do other things in order to prepare for the examination. I hate doing these things because it does not allow you to go anywhere and being stuck at home is not my cup of tea.

Speaking of tea the world is planning for a Royal wedding in the UK early part of 2018. Tradition has it that only if one is from the 'R' stock then can one be called HRH the Princess of wherever. Apparently marrying a commoner does not make your spouse a Royal, one must be born into the realm. Consorts who are native subjects of their spouses are often known by their maiden name. What will happen next year remains to be seen. An American and divorced at that may create a problem. I hope this can change before the event and since HRH the Queen has accepted the 'commoner'  as a suitable match for her grandson then things should work out.

I have no idea why I think that this is important, maybe because both America and Britain are so much in the news these days between the Presidency on one hand and the messy issue of Brexit on the other. Today there was talk that Britain would have to pay upwards of 40.0Bn Pds Sterling to the EU as a possible part cost of the divorce. I guess when they voted in the referendum the electorate was told all these things. The next time a country goes to a referendum to make a decision on anything they should first consider if a simple majority would work. When one thinks of the effect of Brexit and the confusion it is causing with the UK economy maybe a simple majority vote should not have been used.

Back to the rock and normal confusion.

The accused travel agent pending trial on 170 plus charges of fraud did a great job arranging her own on time departure by literally walking out of the women's prison. No one thought it at all strange that all of a sudden there was a night court sitting, there was no prior notification for the accused to be escorted out of the prison yard, no one thought to call the senior officer on duty to verify anything regarding the removal of the accused. We cannot get closure on 'prisonbreak' this after more than two years. In the case of the travel agent it was a simple case of strolling out of the prison walls as if on vacation as against 'prisionbreak' in which a police officer was killed.
But as all things on the rock nothing in the world of officialdom is taken seriously. Okay, someone died, but it was not a person of any great import, so there. End of story!

Reports of money missing from the THA. That is very strange considering that the THA receives upwards of $2.5 BN as an annual subvention and no audited accounts have been received by the Auditor General for presentation to the Parliament for over five years. Why would anyone even think that money could be misappropriated or badly spent? It's only over $12 billion spent over the last five years on a population of 60K, what could possible go wrong?
We are going to have to start a public 'lock them up' chant for all taxpayers monies and the stealing of  taxpayers monies.
When asked to comment on the negative situation with the closing of the Dwight Yorke Stadium the THA Secretary for Sport simply said 'None', meaning he had no comment to make and took his seat. Did I say over $12 billion in five years? Hey it is not your money it's Government money, there is a big difference!

The Minister of National Security recently made statements about the no show of Immigration officers at Piarco International. He attempted to alleviate the fears of the traveling public by saying that for the upcoming Carnival season the airport would have Immigration check-in kiosks installed which would not depend on officers being present. Basically telling the public if the Immigration officers come or do not come out to work it won't matter, the machines will process the incoming passengers.
On my recent sojourn to the Big Apple we used the electronic Immigration check-in kiosks at JFK Int'l and it worked fine, we got processed by the machines. We then however had to present the slip the machine gave us to an officer who gave it a cursory look, asked a simple question and waved us on.
Maybe the rock will be leading the world with a different Immigration check-in system whereby it's only machines, no live bodies.

Energy prices are remaining sort of steady, Bitcoin crossed the $10K magic mark but we have not heard one single plan from anyone in Government about how this country intends to weather the economic crisis. The only action the Minister of Finance could take recently was the instruction to cancel a $3.0M fiftieth anniversary party for the Lottery company. Local companies are owed in excess of $5.0 BN by the VAT office, this in addition to the hundreds of millions owed by Government departments to all and sundry.
I saw the Minister of Trade complimenting a store owner in the City on his companies expansion. Great, except from what I know of that particular business 99% of the revenues is derived from buying imported goods.
It's like the Minister of Agriculture lamenting the fact that there is too much imported food used at State functions. Send the directive out use only locally grown food, what is the problem with that?

We, the rock, did not feature in the final line up of the latest international beauty contest but a stunning Ms Jamaica made it. The 'fro' alone would have been enough!

Coming into December already, time flies, and soon all the parang will be packed away until next year and the new cycle of 'we jamming' will start.

Good night people of the rock and good luck, especially those who getting pick for the wedding. I hope some don't get picked and then get un-picked!


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