I sometimes think that the people who have been elected to the Parliament and therefore are responsible for the running, the vision and the future of the country are completely disconnected from the reality that is the Rock. What happened in the Parliament with the Anti Gang Legislation is a great example of the level of disconnect from the everyday problems that we the people experience.
The PMOTT accuses the LOTO of not supporting his Bill by refusing to agree to a sunset clause of 48 months as against 24 months. How could that possibly be a deal breaker? If I was the LOTO I would have agreed to everything the PMOTT proposed and then hold them responsible for their soon to be failure. You said that you needed it to counter crime then here it is. When you fail then you cannot blame us. Everything that has been said today after the failure of the Bill in the Parliament has been blamed on the LOTO as a result of the Opposition not supporting the Bill. It seems that if 'a ants walk across de road is the LOTO'.
The labour unions are at it again as though someone forgot to tell them that the country is in fact in a recession. The assumed head, by virtue of the fact that he walks around with a mannequin as a prop, goes on talking about the boycotting of the 'one percent'. For those who don't know the 'one percent' is a group of business people, mainly from the Syrian Lebanese community. The assumed leader is telling the population to boycott the 'one percent' stores and only buy from the street vendors selling imported, bought with scarce foreign exchange, clothing and toys. I wonder if he knows who actually imports the said vendor items?
The assumed leader makes the statement that the 'one percent' owners of business are letting go workers and actually not paying workers for December. The only organisation I know who is letting workers go and having major problems in meeting salary commitments is the government. What is the assumed leader's problem? During the PPG Administration he dragged a female mannequin around the country making the most derogatory statements about a sitting PMOTT and not a peep from the LOTO. Now that the tables have turned the assumed leader is targeting the business community for trying its best to maintain job security whilst the PMOTT overseers the firing of thousands of workers and the assumed leader says zilch. I guess $15.0M goes a long way!
The Rock is having quite a time in selecting a new Commissioner of Police. I read somewhere one of the main contenders and possibly the favourite is in fact the incumbent Ag CoP. I may not be God's gift to HR but how can the favourite be the same person that has been overlooked for the position for the last ten times the position came up and who is due to retire soon? The current Ag CoP has seen criminality and lawlessness reach unprecedented levels, enjoyed massive fiscal budgets and yet still has not made a single dent in any area of crime with a population running scared. The next question has to be why is it taking a year and a day to make the appointment? We take 12 hrs to vote in a new PMOTT, what could possibly take so long in the appointment of a CoP? Especially with a murder rate of 36 per 100K.
I am afraid that the people of the Rock are getting very 'gigiree'. The talk every where is "what is going on," "what happened to our country, I am ready to head out," "I have told my children do not come back here, things are getting scary." I for the second time in my short life on the Rock am feeling that sense of hopelessness, of no future, no vision, no reason to spend my life here. Ouch, so what do we do? Curl up and die or buy a one way ticket out of Dodge? That is a damn good question to which I do not have an answer other than we made it so therefore we can unmake it! It is all our doing and we all have a commitment to fix the Rock.
Let us all enjoy the imminent Christmas season with our families and friends and at the same time commit to the New Year of making the change that is crucial. Throw out the stupid politics with the stupid politicians and start the rebuilding of a once proud nation, the Rock, Trinidad and Tobago!
These early mornings are a crispy 21C, nice weather!
Good night and good luck people we have a lot of work to do!
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