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slug patrol

Time is an illusion!. Albert Einstein, and he should know.

Today is already the 1st of March and it seems that we are hurtling through our galaxy at warp speed heading somewhere. The first Carnival Band launch will be in five months, parang music in eight,   and then the whole cycle begins again.
This weekend is Pagwa or the festival of Holi aka the festival of colours. Thousands of Hindus and citizens alike on the Rock will participate in this wonderful, happy ritual of spraying 'abeer' on each other in true friendship. Like many religious festivals it always has something to do with good over evil. Maybe we should declare this entire year the year of Holi and allow the good to take over and remove the evil. 
          I cannot fathom what is happening on the Rock with the PMOTT appointing a twice sworn -in and twice subsequently removed Minister. This time it came as a thief in the night, even though they really surface that way again as any time is a good time, and we hear of the appointment. No gangstas, no pics, no bacchanal just a very low key swearing in. And why would that be, why the 'thief in the night' method. One can only guess at the PMOTT's reason for having someone in his Cabinet who has a number of questions to answer with reference to public funds. I am very sorry but anyone, any single person who cannot account for the 'money' then you need to stay very far from the coffers. This country is a corrupt, criminal state with persons in jacket and tie, cloaks, luxury cars, high walled properties and living the high life who are as low life as a common criminal, a purse snatcher, fig thief or worse.

The Chief Justice and the Law Association are not seeing eye to eye. This is not a good position for the Rock to be in. What exactly is the issue with the CJ? Supporting a friend, who has said he lives a different lifestyle, with various business ventures or taking the same friend on official business when that is not the protocol. What ever it is we have to get to the bottom of it. How can I go before a court and expect to get justice when the Justice System is in such a quagmire. I have no idea who is what, who is where and who is right or wrong in this Justice mess but I as a citizen firmly believe that I come first before all of those in Office for the simple reason without me and the other 1.3 million citizens we would not need any Officialdom. This is a serious issue and when we start to question the independence of the Justice system then we have a major problem on our hands! Once again is it going to be Mr Nobody responsible for anything, knowing the Rock I would say yes!

Something I marvel at the way in which stuff happens and then within hours the 'stuff' is no longer, there is no conclusion, no ending and there is no official declaration or statement about the 'stuff'. Case in point the Carnival weekend security scare and the riot in EDR (it was a riot). What was the result? The Carnival scare is no longer? The riot is just that, a riot and everybody goes home, a man was shot. We move on to land slides, coastal erosion and a pervert. Once again people in Office make statements, no one is accountable and everybody goes home.

These nights we are on serious slug patrol. After living here for 3 decades we have never experienced snails nor slugs. All of a sudden we get both, we deal with the snail infestation and now the slugs. My  life partner and I are adept at finding the villains. We are out at 7.00pm, do the kill, then are back out after 9.00pm. We use a friendly chemical and bait and we are happy to record many kills. The slugs are a menace, eating anything. Not to worry we are on top of things. I hold the flashlight, the partner does the killing! Death to all terrestrial gastropod molluscs!

Why does everything on the Rock have to do with race or class? The PMOTT makes the most stupid, ridiculous statement about his mother and the quantity of cloth purchased from guess who? He then speaks about who has a guava tree growing where they live citing the fact that many persons in a particular income bracket have no 'guava tree' even though his permanent residence is on the same street with the 'non guava treers'. What about everybody's favourite union President? no not the swimmer but the 'mannequin man'.  He makes the statement that the next President of Petrotrin cannot be a '1%'. I guess the first question on the application form for the job is 'What race are you?' and if you do not fall into this one category you are not required to complete the form.

I am feeling crushed by the nonsense on the Rock!

Good night people and good luck!


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